Radiator Springs Racing

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Piers Structures
Francesco Meola
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davide zardin
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    15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:18 pm

    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 34
    Sunny race tonight
    Oliver Kreuer

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Oliver Kreuer Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:41 pm

    Guys Iam sorry to say but i think i cant make it. Tried several things, but its not possible to have a nice clean race for me in moza.

    So much fun for all of you.
    Francesco Meola

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Francesco Meola Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:03 am

    Gara con un sacco di problemi!!!! Buona la qualifica riesco a partire in seconda posizione ma vengo silurato alla prima variante, tocco un altra vettura e mi ritrovo col la sospensione piegata. Riesco ad arrivare ai box, faccio il pieno di benzina fino in fondo e riparto, dopo i primi pit stop riesco ad essere in terza posizione ma da li altri problemi. Sul rettilineo prima della parabolica e sul rettilineo del traguardo perdo la sesta, o meglio la sesta entra ma il motore taglia totalmente la potenza., dopo alcuni giri stessa cosa pure con la quinta. Risultato mezzo gran premio senza sesta e quinta (se a qualcuno è gia successo o sa se è un guasto me lo faccia sapere se no trattasi di bug, gli input della pedaliera funzionavano perfettamente). Tutto inutile impossibile difendersi, sui rettilinei con 40 km orari in meno! Mi devo accontentare della quinta posizione.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:04 am

    Results are up.
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by davide zardin Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:09 am

    lo stesso problema è capitato nel primo stint di gara al mio compagno Marco La Monaca che ha dovuto anticipare la sosta perchè pensava fosse un problema di gomme poi in realtà eseguito il pit non ha più avuto noie fino alla fine piazzandosi 3°
    Francesco Meola

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Francesco Meola Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:13 am

    davide zardin wrote:lo stesso problema è capitato nel primo stint di gara al mio compagno Marco La Monaca che ha dovuto anticipare la sosta perchè pensava fosse un problema di gomme poi in realtà eseguito il pit non ha più avuto noie fino alla fine piazzandosi 3°
    Le gomme io non le ho cambiate perchè sono dovuto rientrare al primo giro per incidente, se non è un guasto meccanico potrebbe essere un bug legato all'usura delle gomme.... la tirò li...
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by davide zardin Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:23 am

    mi spiace per quello che ti è successo Francesco, penso però che questo inconveniente che vi è capitato sia un amento della simulazione che il gioco ci da.

    perchè tu allora visto che latua gara velocisticamente parlando non hai pensato a rifare un pit?
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:26 am

    peccato al 13 giro il cavo del mio monitor si e staccato....sooooob ...black screen con sound del crash ....,boommmm ... ricollegato il cavo hdmi...( Mad bastardo Mad )...prssato esc...e poi .... nervosissimo fino alla fine a -2..ero 7...peccattoooo...

    bellissimo in gara vedere i tempi degli altri ..anche se puo distrarre nn ti perdi una bagarre.....neanche a morire...e in + molto informativo

    thanks to all for a first great race whit a final 13...
    Kunos thanks another time we are back in fighting!!!!!!!
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by M Carey Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:31 am

    Qualifying went well, PB & 4th on the grid. In the race heading down to turn 1 I was behind Meola, he braked earlier than everyone else which caught me out, so I had to take to the grass which meant I hit him then he went into Anton (sorry Anton Sad). I've uploaded my replay (I'm not gonna youtube it for obvious reasons Razz). Watch from my onboard & let me know what you think guys. If it's my fault I'm willing to accept a penalty: http://www.gamefront.com/files/20779463/edit_FormulaKS2_Monza_RSR_1_nkr

    It also shows an incident entering Ascari later on the first lap when Biggio completely turned in on me. I had heavy suspension damage from the turn 1 incident & wasn't fighting anyone. Gerard also spun cos of this incident (sorry G' :s). I escaped to box which put me a long way behind, & then begun some slow pi$$ed off laps on my own, & after only about lap 5 was getting blue flagged so had to let the leaders through.

    I then had another incident with Biggio later on during the race, he went off @ Ascari & I think was trying to reverse back on track. I tried to go round but went into the barriers. After this I escaped to box again & put on some new tyres, trying to go for quick laps as there was no one left to race against. After another trip into the barriers, I carefully drove back to the pits, repaired & went back out before the race finished. A Very dissapointing 7th place.
    M Waechter

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by M Waechter Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:54 am

    replay group A1

    first lap(s) went out no good in my race. I had contact with Maarten as he was trying to overtake me in the ascari combination, (that was a little bit hard I think -overtaking in the middle at such difficult
    corners, Maarten.., but hat's racing, next time we do better...). I was in a fight too at this moment with PC Str., who was quite 'slow' in front of me in the ascari, so I had to drive calm/slower
    than normal too there.. to not reach his rear too earlie, to prevent touching him there.. .
    Than suddenly as I was still in the last meters of ascari -still a little fighting with the wheel..- Maarten was beside me and we touched, my left suspension was completely broken and I had to press ESC, because the
    car was not able to turn in anymore to a right direction and I ended up Webber-like in the wall at last turn (in the gravel to be more precise), becaue of no control.
    So I was virtually -1 lap behind, a 3 min. laptime after crash Smile.. . Maarten lost his car too after we collided and had contact with ' wall I think, -so our both races ended very soon in a sad way unfortunately.

    Generally I was a bit in a hurry -came back at home just 20 min. before race-, so I was not so relaxed to do a fine qualy.., my fastest lap of 1:27.1 min. was with a slide in the ascari + more fuel, all the other attempts were quite even more crappy Smile.
    Even I started the very first two laps in qualy with 59 km! worn tires, which were still mounted on the car coming out of a short free practice session driven before the event.., lol, but they still
    had acceptable grip, I did not really recognize much less grip at that first two laps in a row in qulay, lol.

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:06 am; edited 4 times in total
    Francesco Meola

    Posts : 21
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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Francesco Meola Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:58 am

    davide zardin wrote:mi spiace per quello che ti è successo Francesco, penso però che questo inconveniente che vi è capitato sia un amento della simulazione che il gioco ci da.

    perchè tu allora visto che latua gara velocisticamente parlando non hai pensato a rifare un pit?

    Non mi sono fermato perchè speravo fosse qualcosa di momentaneo, poi quando mi sono reso conto che non lo era mancavano 15 giri, mettiamo che perdessi un secondo a giro, fanno quindici secondi, per un pit ci voleva di più. Altra ipotesi ,ma se fosse così mi inchinerei a Kunos, non ci sarà mica un sistema che taglia la potenza se non c'è abbastanza benzina per finire il gp vero? perchè mi sono fermato al primo giro, ne ho caricata il massimo ma ho finito con 3 L. Vorrei solo capire per evitare che succeda nuovamente...
    M Waechter

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by M Waechter Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:18 am

    btw. -lol- Gek's speed is awesome, at first in practice he looked not as fast as Mika (in qualy, like the same with Spa), but then at the real event he is quite like a second quicker, grats to that !
    It's his strategy to let people think he can't keep up with Mika, but than he suddenly is driving 'killer laps' at real event Wink.
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Fabio Grippa Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:43 am

    Francesco, io ho avuto il problema opposto...con la macchina semivuota in rettelineo, in 6° improvvisamente accelerava fino a limitatore, come avesse piu' potenza...guadagnavo 20km/h senza nessuno davanti a me...sono andato 2 volte lungo alla parabolica poichè tenevo lo stesso punto di frenata...poi ho capito il problema...

    E' succeso credo 3 o 4 volte....forse un problema legato ad una "scia residua"? Altri hanno avuto lo stesso porblema?

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by f.gek Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:01 am

    esattamente uguale. gia segnalato
    Piers Structures

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Piers Structures Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:35 am

    M Waechter wrote:I was in a fight too at this moment with PC Str., who was quite 'slow' in front of me in the ascari, so I had to drive calm/slower

    Ah - yes, slow. Thanks ;-).

    For me Monza was dreadful. The track seems quite low in grip and the decision on down force was not straightforward. Run too much and people walk past you on the straights, too little and they walk past you into or out of the corners. My setup work peaked a few days before the race and then I lost my way. The car was edgy and prone to the back end snapping out. It felt like driving on ice.

    Qualifying in 11th was pretty much as expected given my problems. I had hoped to maybe pick up some places in the race by staying on track - which, given the state of the car was a case of hope beyond credibility. I did pick up some places over the first lap and was almost keeping in sight of with a pack of 3 cars when the back end swung out and the nose ploughed into the barriers in Ascari. Pit and repair and then a few laps later I tripped off Parabolica and ended up stuck in the gravel probably because I was trying too hard not to hit the barrier. My mistake then was after esc to pits, not to up the fuel to finish the race. So I think I was 10th when 4 laps from the end I had to pit and watch Giancarlo and Marco go past as I pulled in for an unnecessary splash and dash.

    All in all a depressing start to the season for me. On a brighter note though we now have a new team - 'Vulture Racing' and I'm delighted that Juan Anton has agreed to join the series driving for Vulture.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:51 am

    Kunos contacted me about this bug, this morning, and he is trying to find what's wrong.
    Let's see if we can help him out, trying to reproduce it.
    In this case, please save your log and post it.

    Please add here (in English or Italian), what exactly happen to you, trying to describe when and how the bug occurred.
    Did you had the feeling that the grip was different or just the engine that was more/less powerful? did you had that all the race or just after the pit?

    This can help finding some clue and find the right solution.
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Fabio Grippa Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:10 am

    I try to be as precise as possible Andrea:

    - My race was on two stint with 70L for each one

    - Everything was fine until I had more or less 15L in the car, in both 1st and 2nd stint

    - Than immediatly the car on straight gain a lot of power after i reached 200-250km/h, the speed went to the top until the rpm were at maximum allowed

    - There were no changin of the grip apparently, but I'm not really sure as in turn the situation seemed to go back to normal

    - It happen when I was following a car that was 5-10s in front of me

    - It happened just three or four times in all the race, on the two main straight...after the problem the situation went back to normal without any special action

    Hoping this can help...I think we can see this bug from the replay...I'll have a check

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by f.gek Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:28 am

    per me tutto regolare in qualifica e tutto regolare fino al 26 esimo giro della gara , poi la macchina in 6th raggiungeva il limitatore molto rapidamente raggiungendo la velocita max a meta rettilineo principale , e comunque in tutti gli allunghi la 6th sembrava il comportamento che si vede oggi nelle f1 quando viene attivato il drag reduction system (DRS). Il grip non mi sembrava cambiato , e nelle curve il comportamento era apparentemente uguale,

    Fino alla fine della gara è rimasto.
    Francesco Meola

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Francesco Meola Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:19 pm

    Devo aggiungere che con la 1.3beta quella cosa della sesta di cui parla Gek m'era capitata in una gara a monza prima che mi fermassi quest'estate, penso fosse aprile.... prima del pit la macchina incomincò ad avere il comportamento che descrive Gek, poi mi fermai per il pit e scomparse. Tra l'altro sempre su quei due rettilinei dove oggi invece ho avuto il comportamento contrario, taglio di potenza netto, per quanto riguarda il grip o la fisica non cambiava nulla, la macchina era la solita, solo che al cambio di marcia i giri non riuscivano a salire. Oggi avevo il pieno di benzina e come detto solite gomme per tutto il gp, se ho tempo stasera provo a ricreare la situazione... però se era successa già con la 1.3 beta a monza e voi avete corso un campionato intero senza che accada probabilmente deve essere legato alla pista (o per il setup usato o proprio legato alla pista in se)
    Clive Melbourne
    Clive Melbourne

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Clive Melbourne Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:37 pm


    A little video of my first 3 laps. Very Happy
    Clive Melbourne
    Clive Melbourne

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Clive Melbourne Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:59 pm

    For me the bug appeared when I got to 15Ltrs at the end of the first stint , at first i thought I had damaged something on the car but when i pitted there was no damage, so I refueled and new tyres and all was normal again, until the end of the second stint again with 15Ltrs of fuel. I don't think there was any difference in grip just was getting to the rev limiter on the straights, which was about 10kph faster than before the bug appeared. It was a bit like being in a slip-stream all the time but without the loss of downforce in the corners.
    Hope this helps.

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:35 pm

    im still struggling to work out how i won that one?

    geks pace seemed so unreal i knew i had no chance. he put in a blistering time of 1.25.3 in qualifying which i didnt even think was possible. i knew i wouldnt beat my PB of 1.25.5 so was quite comfortable with a 1.25.6. vanore came closely behind me with maarten not too far behind him to round off the front 2 rows.

    i had quite bad traction off the start which meant vanore jumped me into t1. it was clear both gek and vanore were more comfortable with higher fuel so pulled out a gap over the first few laps. once my tyres started properly warming up and i became more confident, i managed to pull a move into parabollica to pass vanore for p2. by this time gek was already a good chunk of seconds ahead.

    from testing i knew i had to take care of my tyres but didnt realise theyd be dead by lap 12. its very hard keeping hold of nackered tyres but still managed to put in consistent laps in the 1.27's. gek was pulling almost a second a lap on me, where i even saw him doing 1.25's and 1.26s Shocked i knew i had no chance of winning so tried keeping vanore behind me who was close on my tail.

    gek pitted a few laps before me so i was 23sec ahead when i did my stop. i came out only 4 seconds ahead and managed to maintain that gap (somehow Question ) until lap 30 or so. suddenly he came alive and pulled 3 seconds within a lap affraid we were neck and neck going over the line to start lap 34. it was a straight battle to the finish where i managed to stay ahead.

    i have no idea how i pulled that one off, especially looking at gek's laptimes that were a good 2 seconds faster than mine. after the race it seems many people had this speed issue (i didnt so cant comment) so maybe that was the problem.

    singapore is next and i have to say, the track is dreadful. we are looking into converting another one for the sake of our sanity Very Happy
    Clive Melbourne
    Clive Melbourne

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Clive Melbourne Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:05 pm

    Clive Melbourne wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpJaIzgMeHQ

    A little video of my first 3 laps. Very Happy

    Sorry to be a bit off topic , but anyonre know of good software to capture ,edit and compress video. as you can see from this vidoe it's not great quality.
    Alberto Canzi

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Alberto Canzi Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:42 pm

    Dopo tanto tempo in cui non partecipavo a gare di campionato ho fatto una grande gara!

    In qualifica ho fatto il mio PB (peccato che il server non fosse collegato al rank !) e mi sono qualificato terzo. Fino a pochi minuti dal termine ero secondo e speravo di conservare la prima fila, sapendo di riuscire solitamente a fare buone partenze, ma anche partendo dalla seconda fila sono riuscito ad andare in testa alla staccata della prima variante e poi ho cercato di prendere un passo discretamente veloce ma comunque in sicurezza : il primo obbiettivo era quello di fare i 35 giri senza incidenti.

    Dietro a un paio di secondi avevo Andrea Lanzino (che aveva il mio stesso passo) subito seguito da Francesco Ledda un po piu' veloce.

    Ad un certo punto ho visto che Andrea aveva perso di colpo una ventina di secondi e che Francesco, avendo un passo migliore del mio, mi si avvicinava. Arrivatomi vicino ho provato a resistere cercando di non forzare troppo (anche se in realta' alla prima staccata sono arrivato lungo e mi ha passato). Pensavo che a quel punto difficilmente avrei potuto riprenderlo invece dopo un giro l'ho visto andare ai box capendo che quasi certamente Francesco era su due soste, mentre io su una e vedendo che Andrea aveva il mio stesso passo e rimaneva a circa 20 secondi ho capito di avere buone possibilita' di vincere e quando ho visto che Francesco aveva perso tantissimo tempo ai box ho avuto la certezza che dovevo solo tenere il mio passo senza commettere errori. Cosi' ho fatto e ho vinto!

    E' stato molto divertente e avevo dimenticato quella bella sensazione di tensione che c'e' solo nelle gare di campionato.

    I doppiati si sono tutti comportati molto bene facendomi passare senza intralciare (l'unico rischio e' stato con, mi pare, Danilo Biggio che dopo avermi fatto passare mi si e' messo in scia e alla roggia e' arrivato lunghissimo ma avendolo controllato negli specchietti me ne sono accorto e l'ho fatto sfilare nella via di fuga).

    Infine devo riportare che anch'io ho "sofferto" (si fa per dire...) del turbo bug : negli ultimi 4 o 5 giri arrivavo a limitatore in sesta (senza nessuna scia) a 322Km/h in tre punti: all'ascari, alla parabolica e poco dopo il traguardo (normalmente il punto di velocita' massima era alla prima staccata a circa 316 e comunque mai a limitatore in sesta).

    Inizialmente avevo pensato che dipendesse dal carico di benzina (non avevo mai provato il setup di gara da scarico, ma sempre con il pieno per 18 giri e in qualifica ho usato un setup con cui avevo gia' fatto 1'27''2xx) ma poi ho fatto qualche giro di prova con lo stesso setup ma benzina per 3/4 giri e come al solito non arrivavo mai a limitatore. Pensando anche alle gomme ho fatto quei giri con le stesse usate per la seconda parte di gara.

    Non ho il file di log (sovrascritto dalla sessione di prova fatta per verificare il setup) ma ho il replay e la telemetria in cui e' evidente che negli ultimi giri e' successo qualcosa di strano.

    Butto li qualche ipotesi e considerazioni da girare a Kunos (magari tutte sbagliate... solo lui puo' verificare quali possono essere sensate e quali no) :

    1) Girando potrebbe essersi rotto qualcosa (ceduto supporto ala, sospensioni, danneggiato il profilo estrattore, non so cos'altro... ) magari passando su un cordolo in modo tale da modificare il coefficente di penetrazione (ma non il carico, visto che non ho rilevato alcuna difficolta' aggiuntiva nella guida rispetto alla condizione iniziale, anche se in effetti il mio setup era molto scarico di ali)? Da notare che comunque riportato ai box alla fine gara non avevo il pulsante per riparare i danni.

    2) Ricordo che in una passata release si verificava in alcuni incidenti (io non sono mai riuscito a riprodurlo, ma ricordo che nelle garette al volo c'erano molti piloti che facevano volontariamente un apposito incidente per scatenare questo bug) il motore iniziava ad andare molto di piu'. Il bug era stato poi risolto ma potrebbe essere che in qualche modo (magari in circostanze diverse : io non ho fatto incidenti e solo negli ultimi giri si e' verificato, ma guardando la telemetria si puo' sapere con certezza quando e' iniziato e dal replay si puo' vedere se e' successo qualcosa in quel momento) si presenti lo stesso problema (=cause diverse danno lo stesso effetto, corretto l'effetto per le cause che lo scatenavano allora, ne sono rimaste altre)?

    Ora non sono a casa e non posso postare replay e telemetria ma lo faro' questa sera.

    Comunque al di la' di tutto mi sono molto divertito : mi sono sempre piaciute le gare lunghe in cui oltre alla velocita' pura - cosa in cui di certo non eccello - conta molto la costanza e la consistenza - di cui son certamente piu' dotato -.

    Salvo impegni partecipero' anche alle prossime gare.
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Fabio Grippa Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:15 pm

    It was a good race finally for me....Monza is a good track, last year I had the track record here done with the Antonio PC....this year I faced a lot of problem with my PC of FPS.

    I use very low resolution setting, and my speed was strongly affected by this...After being 9th in qualify, I decided to start from pit to avoid any possible collisions due to this problem, then I managed to recover some positions one by one, trying not to do a single mistake.

    At half of the race I had very low fps which forced me to slow down for 3 laps, then situation went back to normal and I brought the car to the finish with a good pace, without mistakes...

    It was a long and hard race, was fun at all!!! Hoping to be back to the top in the next race in Singapore!

    See you in track

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    15 Sept 2011: Monza - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 Sept 2011: Monza

    Post by Sponsored content

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