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63 posters

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Simon Bevcic-batina
    Simon Bevcic-batina

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Simon Bevcic-batina Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:28 pm

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 663941 RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 663941 RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 663941

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Trofeo21s1280
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by davide zardin Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:30 pm

    magnifico lavoro ragazzi come sempre al top....

    possiamo avere il template per fare le nostre skin?

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by f.gek Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:03 pm

    Il template non esiste ancora , appena disponibile lo pubblichiamo
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by davide zardin Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:07 pm

    grazie per le info e buon lavoro
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by davide zardin Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:33 pm

    ho visto che da alguni giorni esiste un server gaja che da error penso che sia il test della macchina....

    che invidia...

    attendiamo notizie come se fossimo fuori dalla sala parto:) mentre aspettiamo nervosamente
    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Marco Calesella Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:16 pm

    f.gek wrote:Body is completed


    I cerchi sono definitivi?
    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Luca Mosca Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:46 pm

    davide zardin wrote:ho visto che da alguni giorni esiste un server gaja che da error penso che sia il test della macchina....

    che invidia...

    attendiamo notizie come se fossimo fuori dalla sala parto:) mentre aspettiamo nervosamente

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:16 pm

    Attilio is helping us to create new sounds for our car.
    He is doing some experiments and here are the first results.

    This is the sound registered in game.

    Jean Racon
    Jean Racon

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Jean Racon Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:44 pm

    Vincenzo Vanore
    Vincenzo Vanore

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Vincenzo Vanore Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:05 pm

    Musica per le mie orecchie.....adoro lo scoppiettio in rilascio !!!! RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 361709
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:40 pm

    Sometimes, when you don't have an expensive sport car available to take some sound samples, you start to be creative, and you start looking at the things around you in a different way!
    That's how a chain saw, or a tractor, or a beer can, all mixed together, can create a wonderful new sound of a V10 engine.

    Thanks to Attilio for the great work (still more to come...he said that he will keep improving it, since he is having a lot of fun Smile ), and the good video explanation of what he is doing

    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by laurent resende Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:25 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Sometimes, when you don't have an expensive sport car available to take some sound samples, you start to be creative, and you start looking at the things around you in a different way!
    That's how a chain saw, or a tractor, or a beer can, all mixed together, can create a wonderful new sound of a V10 engine.

    Thanks to Attilio for the great work (still more to come...he said that he will keep improving it, since he is having a lot of fun Smile ), and the good video explanation of what he is doing

    fantastic song!Bravo!
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by davide zardin Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:45 pm

    ottimo lavoro da parte vostra e da parte di attilio sono commosso e non vedo l'ora di guidare questo gioiello fatto da voi
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Attilio Barba Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:03 am

    rimarrete sbalorditi, da quello che sto facendo cyclops affraid
    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Luca Mosca Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:01 pm

    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:38 pm

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 67322 gia sapevo che eri un bravo pescatore dj.... ma dopo il video della motosega le aspettative mi fanno quasi paura
    WD Attilio ci mancava proprio un sound maker... ::hola::
    auguri e tahnks thanks thanks for a ::thumpsup::
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:41 am

    ...getting there...

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 NkScr_Gaja_Mugello_12_29_22_14_01

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 NkScr_Gaja_Mugello_12_29_22_02_41

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 NkScr_Gaja_Mugello_12_29_22_11_40

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 NkScr_Gaja_Mugello_12_29_22_13_31

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 001int10

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 002int10

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 003int10
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by laurent resende Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:57 am

    BEAUTIFUL WORK! Bravo to the development team:cheers:
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by davide zardin Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:14 am

    ottimo lavoro le immagini sono stupende e la macchina è perfetta poi le finiture degli interni sono eccezzionali grazie per il lavoro....

    sembra pronta per almeno la relase del template per poterci lavorare anche noi... (scherzo) sono veramente contento del vostro impegno il lavoro rispecchia la vostra serietà nell'affrontare i progetti grazie ancora....RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 663941
    Kristijan Jalovec Perusko

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Kristijan Jalovec Perusko Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:21 am

    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 663941
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Sergio Marques Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:29 am

    Congrats, great work until now.

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Vaggelis Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:30 am

    aewsomeness Very Happy

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by MarcoLM Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:15 am

    Antonio Lallo

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Antonio Lallo Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:49 pm

    Il lavoro grafico è notevole, bravi ragazzi! Per il lato fisica aspettiamo di provare... RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 659651 Ps Andrea, quando fai gli screenshot mettici un filo di Antialiasing lol!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO - Page 5 Empty Re: RSR Gallardo Valentino Balboni: the first add-on car for netKar PRO

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:23 am

    A small video from our tests.

    We are really having a lot of fun in those days. drive

    Every day, we are changing and refining physics, 3d and sounds, and then immediately testing it. It's great to see how much the car can improve day by day.


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