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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Maarten Steverink
Martin Slezak
M Waechter
Luca Mosca
Max Caputi
Andrea Lojelo
10 posters

    19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Max Caputi Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:23 pm

    I due gruppi per stasera li vediamo cliccando su entry list open wheels ? Se si a che ora saranno pronte le liste? Al momento non vedo nulla e mi dà questo errore ma penso sia normale...
    SQL/DB Error -- [Subquery returns more than 1 row]
    SQL/DB Error -- [Subquery returns more than 1 row]

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:30 pm

    we will publish the entry list as soon as possible.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:10 pm

    Guys, please make sure you are allocated for the race.
    Antonio Lallo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Antonio Lallo Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:18 pm

    Aspettate che almeno faccia un giro per la entry list...:p
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:47 pm

    Entry List

    There is time until the server is up (few minutes before the briefing).
    Martin Slezak

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Martin Slezak Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:13 pm

    I am a little bit confused about the race time. What time is it? You said 21:00 CET (UTC+1h), but I am a little bit worried that you unintentionly confused it. For a clarification is it 21:00 Rome time? The time that is now in Rome, Italy? Thank you.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:39 pm

    it's 19:38 now. Yes. it's Rome/Amsterdam time (CET). The race is at 21:00
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:41 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Entry List

    Prequalification finished.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:54 pm

    The entry list isn't correct. I'm fixing it now
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:56 pm

    Results up
    M Waechter

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by M Waechter Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:08 am

    I was a victim of the common NKPro "bug" (no its not a bug, I should have known the behaviour): I disqualyfied myself at the first pitstop (of two in total), I stopped at my box correctly, so that I was seeing the setup tabs, refilled the car with fuel and changed tires then I pressed ESC 'back to box' to make a small setup-change and reduce the caster for one value to its min. and found me -1 lap behind the field as I crossed the line the next time.

    Should have known better, but I always thought / was sure that you can press ESC 'back to box' without wasting the inlap and being -1 lap behind in the box as long as the car stands correctly in the pit position (seeing the setup tabs / when the setup tabs are visible) like as you press 'fix car' and being warped to the box-garage without wasting in lap / being -1 lap behind, but know I 'found out' its not true Wink.
    So sadly I lost several positions, because of the inlap to the box towards the first stop not counting. But in fact I maybe lost only 1 pos. regarding the result at the very end -that it seems to look like-, since I was behind F. Grippa at the last laps on track, so I lost not many.
    I messed up the start completely as I could not see the starting-lights + I was too fast at the clutch and stalled the engine, I did not practice a single start before the event (you have to be precise with the clutch in the F1800, not so easy as with the Gvb at the last event, completely 'different' thing to manage), so I found myself back to the 14th position already at lap 1.

    The ESC-mistake was the similar issue that Andrea had at a race at Aviano at some of the last seasons.
    Also it looks like that Luca did the same mistake like me in this race at his pitstop, I watched my replay and saw he was pressing ESC 'back to box' in the box-lane after leaving the garage, that's the reson why he is one more lap behind as well.
    Donigton Park + F1800 has been a good / enjoyable combination btw. (I like those kind of fluend to drive tracks) and I was surprised I have beaten my pb for about 5 tenth two times quite without any struggle in the real event's qualy (and the last stint of the race), 'cause normally it has been the opposite case being sometimes quite far away from my best possible in qualy.

    Replay group A:

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:50 am; edited 4 times in total
    Max Caputi
    Max Caputi

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Max Caputi Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:42 am

    Dopo il connection lost delle qualifiche (strano che non abbia conteggiato il 43.1 fatto appena prima della scritta connection lost) riesco a resettare il router a rientrare per la gara che chiudo al secondo posto senza commettere errori, ma ovviamente sui miei tempi...Vado a podio favorito soprattutto dal connection lost di Andrea che aveva un altro passo.

    L'unica considerazione che mi viene da fare vista la classifica e quanto poco contino, giustamente, i punti del Server B è che mi devo escogitare qualcosa per entrare nel Server A, visto che poi la mia estrema costanza potrebbe riservare sorprese visti gli incidenti e gli errori anche di piloti nettamente più veloci di me. Ho visto infatti nel report del server A molti piloti con 1 lap down o più....
    Ai fini della Classifica infatti meglio ultimo con ottomila lap down nel A che primo del B. Io pensavo che nel computo generale contassero anche altri elementi o parametri come il tempo di gara e se si era a giri pieni o meno.

    Purtroppo sono negato negli hotlap e nei tempi di qualifica ( anche su rFactor spesso giro più veloce in gara Very Happy )ed i server di netkar ospitano 15 utenti... Sul set della F 1800 le ho provate tutte speriamo in qualcosa di meglio con F 2000 e FTarget dove sono un po' più ferrato e dove ho già un po' di set pronti Very Happy
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Fabio Grippa Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:22 pm

    It was a really nice race yesterday...

    I have got the "A" group just one hour before the start of the race...with the 15° time in the rank...that means 14 people were faster then me. Then I qualify 15° 0.5s far away from my pb...

    I had FPS issue, and very high ping, so I decide to start from the pit and to stay away from other car until the situation was better. After 8-9 laps my ping went back to normal, and everything was fine. My first pit stop was perfect, I managed to get to p10, but my pc froze for a while when doing my second pit stop...I lost 10 seconds, I got to the track still in P10 and I let Marteen to lap me...I was convinced the car following him had also to lap me, then I let it pass, when I just realize he was Ed Ward which was behind me...I tried to keep Clive behind me for a while, but after a nice and a very fair fighting he passed me...so finally I finishes in p12, but the race was good, all drivers were correct and fair, I didn't do a single mistake in all the race, I just was not fast enough...

    Thanks to all for the nice race, special grats to Marteen, Mika and Luca
    Martin Slezak

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Martin Slezak Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:32 pm

    Well I don't know if it is usual to post some thoughts and feelings from the race but anyway... I was unpleasantly suprise how slow I am (almost last place in Q). I truly can't believe how people like Maarten S. are so quick. In the beginnig of the race I had some nice battles with Mr. Marco Waechter. I knew I could be very aggresive on him and I would like to thank him for his clean racing. Enjoyable for me. I don't know what happened to Mr. F GEK. He suddenly spun while I was being next to him. In replay there is a huge lag so I really hope I didnt do any harm to him :-/ After the rush first half of the race I decided to do only a one pit stratagy and I started to concentrate on stable lap times and fuel saving. It was a very unusual feeling to be only 90 procent of throttle on straights:-) 7th place is really bad for me but I am simply not the fast driver:-/
    Antonio Lallo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Antonio Lallo Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:43 pm

    La mia gara è stata condizionata dal mio mancato girare, solo ieri pomeriggio (grazie a Fabio per l'assetto) son sceso in pista, i tempi non son stati malaccio son arrivato a 41 5 a prequalifiche chiuse da poco. Comunque, finito in gruppo B devo dire che in fin dei conti non è stato così male, eravam pochi ma lì davanti eravamo vicini con Andrea e Danilo facendo anche una bella qualifica. In gara parto senza rischi e tutto fila liscio, Andrea aveva un buon passo in prima posizione e Danilo lo seguiva da vicino, io un pò più in difficoltà. Dopo 2-3 giri Andrea ha il connection lost e peccato per lui la gara viene rovinata anche perchè avrebbe vinto credo. Da qui in avanti c'è un bellissimo duello con Danilo, siam sempre stati a pochi secondi di distanza, poi nelle soste era un fulmine devo dire, io ero come la Lotus di quest'anno! :p Son riuscito a passarlo per un suo errorino ma mi ha ripassato con molta facilità devo dire, il duello è stato bello, ben fatto Danilo! Alla mia ultima sosta mi viene la genialata di provare a cambiare pressione e premo esc...ecco che il bug mi colpisce: 1 giro perso! Ho visto che anche Marco ne è stato vittima e pensare che nella chat pregara ne avevano parlato, vabbè finisco 3 senza troppi rimpiati, bella gara e alla prossima ragazzi. Wink

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by MikaRaymond Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:52 am

    what a perfect start to the ARS champ! redline managed to accumilate maximum points from the first race which is a big relief considering my pace wasnt that great compared to the rest.

    maarten put in a stellar performance - pole position, fastest lap and the race win. also well done to matt aswell - p12 to p6 on the grid.

    as for myself, im very suprised i managed to get p2. after seeing the qual times and starting p4 on the grid, i knew it would be difficult. we all knew fuel management would come into effect here so because of my lack of pace, i decided to do just 1 stop. the start of the race saw osetti take maarten into the first corner and me jumping up to third. i managed to keep up with maarten and luca while they battled at the front, with maarten eventually taking p1 back. i stayed closely behind luca until the first pitstop when i managed to overtake him and stay in front for the rest of the race, having to manage my fuel throughout. i finished with 0.7L Surprised

    as well as the great result for redline, i have some personal news. the day after i managed to get my first proper job / career, so double happy points for me atm Very Happy Very Happy
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:20 am

    Congratulations for you new job Mika, and of course congratulations to you and Maarten for the great victory.

    Donington has been quite a disaster for me. I didn't have so much time for the prequalifications (the nkpro update was meant to be for the race, but then we got an issue during testing, so I've been busy until the briefing with it), and I was on P15. Then during the briefing on more guy decided to join the championship, so I dropped in group B.

    I had a decent qualification (my first laps after few days at donington), getting a 2nd place after Biggio. With a good start I got into 1st place at the first corner, and I gained a good lead in few laps.
    Then after 3 laps my connection to the server dropped. First time this happen to me. I tried to connect to the server, but then I was 3 laps down.
    I tried my best to be focused and try to get back at least some positions. I had a good pace, getting down my times lap by lap, getting several track faster laps.

    Quite funny towards the end I realized that I could get one position, since I was 5 or more seconds faster than the guy ahead, but guess what? Laps were over when I was around 4 seconds from him. Smile

    Some days, it seems to be that is just not your day.
    In any case I had fun, and that was the most important thing for me.
    See you at Laguna Seca.

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    19 April 2012: Donington Park - Page 2 Empty Re: 19 April 2012: Donington Park

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