liotti69 wrote: Vincenzo Vanore wrote:Sera ragazzi, oggi facendo qualche gara qui a monza ho notato come parecchi driver, secondo il mio parere taglino alcune curve in un modo esagerato....le curve incriminate sono le seguenti: Prima Variante, Variante della roggia e l'uscita della Ascari. Durante la gara credo sia impossibile stabilire chi taglia e chi no, al tal punto di infligere una penalizzazione, una mia proposta è quella di inserire (sempre se è possibile farlo) delle gomme, come vengono usate per il tracciato di Imola.
Grazie mille per l'attenzione
Sono daccordo con Vincenzo,malgrado io stesso sfrutti estremamente i per fare il tempo chi non lo fa?? Chi controllerà in gara? Se si potesse risolvere cosi sarebbe perfetto! Oppure (non sono esperto di programmazione non so se sia possibile) una soluzione del tipo RACE 07 sarebbe per me l'ideale...c'è un limite già preimpostato oltre il quale si possono avere tre avvertimenti o direttamente la penalizzazione a seconda della gravità. Ribadisco,come molti sanno,si guadagna e si perde tanto a seconda di quanto si osa sui cordoli! Nella realtà in certi punti rovineresti il fondo tagliando all'estremo quindi non si fa ma nel gioco questo non succede quindi....
A quick translation for everyone:
Vincenzo and Salvatore are speaking about corner cutting at Monza, and suggestion to put barrier or other solutions to avoid cutting too much.
When we converted Monza for netKar PRO, we thought about different solutions, including tyres barriers. At the end we opted for the current solution with small speed bumps, since from our tests, tyres barriers are actually pretty dangerous for everyone else. Especially during the first laps of a race, with the group packed, a small mistake from anyone can have huge concequences for everyone else, since the guys that does the mistake would crash into the barriers, and most likely go back towards the others on the race trajectory.
Unfortunately nk doesn't offer any good alternative to detect drivers that cut too much.
It comes by it self that, on a track like Monza, everyone MUST behave correctly, lifting off in case you cut.
With the live timing we are monitoring what's going on on track, and we know what are normal lap times, so who cut is easily spotted.
Saying that we kindly ask you NOT TO CUT, because we prefer spending our time in a better way than deliting laps from the database.
Here is our general rule about it:
No corner-cutting allowedRule9:Corner-cutting is not allowed. The rule is that drivers must have two wheels touching (in any way) or be exactly vertically above the track at any time during the lap.
The white lines defining the track edges are considered to be part of the track but the kerbs are not and. Where a kerb extension is present, the kerb i is considered part of the track.
A driver will be judged to have left the track if no part of the car remains in contact with the track.
Should a car leave the track for any reason, and the driver may rejoin. However, this may only be done when it is safe to do so and without gaining any advantage.
Repetition of serious mistakes or the appearance of a lack of control over the car will be penalized.
Valid: the car touches the track
Valid: internal kerb estension: the car touches the kerb
Valid: external kerb estension: the car touches the kerb (limite della pista=track limit)
Not Valid: the car is beyond the with line
Not Valid: internal kerb extension: the car is beyond the with kerb (all on the kerb extension)
In specific case we specify exceptions for the general rules to have a better race experience.
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