Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Diego Doni
Andrea Lanzino
Chris Kehagias
Sergio Marques
Luca Seghieri
Piers Structures
giancarlo graziano
M Waechter
Kamran Choudhry
Andrea Lojelo
15 posters

    7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:48 pm

    7 April 2011: Donington Park Osella%20C4Donnington

    Fouth race of the Osella Series: Donington Park

    Here is the schedule:
    21:00 (GTM+1) Briefing in our Chat
    Qualification: 15 minutes. No restriction on the amount of laps
    Warmup: 5 min (waiting time before the race session)
    Race 1: 8 laps
    Warmup: 5 min (waiting time before the race session)
    Race 2: 24 laps

    In case of rain Race 2 will be of 16 laps.
    Races will be in Full Mode.

    Real weather

    You can find more informations on the track in the control center
    Kamran Choudhry
    Kamran Choudhry

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Kamran Choudhry Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:25 am

    You have to own a copy of GTL...blink
    M Waechter

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    Location : Germany

    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by M Waechter Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:39 pm

    I like to be back on this track, because at Donington was my very first race with NKPro (last GPC Champ. with F2000), so it brings back nostalgic memories Wink Smile .
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:42 pm

    yea......GPC champ ...great memory for sure............... Wink
    Kamran Choudhry
    Kamran Choudhry

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Kamran Choudhry Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:21 pm

    So who's going to tell me how to get this track if you don't have GTL? Smile
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:23 pm

    I sent you a PM few days ago.
    Kamran Choudhry
    Kamran Choudhry

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Kamran Choudhry Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:33 pm

    lol I'm blind! that new pm icon is so hard to see. Razz Thanks Smile
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:47 pm

    it's the only orange buttom Razz
    Piers Structures

    Posts : 84
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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Piers Structures Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:20 pm

    Anyone care to share some set-up tips for donnington? I've got 1:30.95 but with a car that has some bad turn-in/snap over steer under braking. I can't imagine how folks are turning in 1:27's.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:36 pm

    don't worry. those are aliens Razz
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:44 pm

    Entry List.

    Please don't forget your allocation. We need to know in advance how many servers are needed.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:34 pm

    7 April 2011: Donington Park 34
    Fair: 0% rain
    Luca Seghieri
    Luca Seghieri

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Luca Seghieri Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:21 am

    mi scuso per la chat partita per il nervoso (ho chattato una volta in gara 1 e una volta in gara 2) sono anche troppe lo so' silent silent
    e' stato uno sfogo...mi dispiace pero', gara 1 Mika mi tampona in red zone 2 curve dopo lo start, e in gara 2 (sicuramente involontario) Mosca mi stringe dopo la S e la sfiga vuole che chi ci rimette sono io...loro niente ne Mika ne Mosca, e forse sono arrabbiato più per come si comporta netkar (nelle collisioni/danni) che come puo' andare una gara cosi'....capita.
    il regolamento parla chiaro, non voglio giustificarmi, so' di aver recato danno a tutti voi. Andrà ,meglio la prossima volta se mi riprendero' da questa brutta esperienza, ho il collare da tamponamento 7 April 2011: Donington Park 8461

    Last edited by Luca Seghieri on Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:12 am; edited 1 time in total
    M Waechter

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by M Waechter Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:46 am

    replay group B:


    race1: I'm very sorry for this incident in the last turn of the first lap.. . I just shifted down to neutral -one downshifting too much- instead to the 1st gear (I really had just too much shivering fingers.. Wink) there this time in the last turn of lap1 and because of this I lost control of the rear -no throttle there in neutral Mad. Because of standing immediately on the track there some cars after me crashed with mine.

    race2: Was ok -had a 'battle' with Delega all the time on track- until my car made a 180 degrees screw after the first curb of the chicane two laps before my second pitstop :\.
    So I was send back to pits and had to continue the race one lap behind until then. Also I had to make a third pitstop, because I had a little bit too less fuel filled in as I continued the race after I was send back to the pits.

    I made an edited replay of this 180 degrees screw (1MB):

    A bit unrealistic those things, netKar's flying physics, those screwings happen quite easily sometimes especially with the Osella,
    but 'I like it'... you just have to be more careful over a possibly bumpy chicane, otherwise the car flies to the side.

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:18 am; edited 1 time in total
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Sergio Marques Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:56 am

    Just taste the dark side of full mode today, first in qualify, losing 9 min to repair the car, still manage to do 2 qualify laps.

    Then in race, at the end of first lap, couldn’t avoid the cars that crash in front of me, as a bonus I get a 14 min repairing time, so that was enough for me tonight.
    Kamran Choudhry
    Kamran Choudhry

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Kamran Choudhry Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:19 am

    Bummer Sergio! Looks like you had some bad luck. If I may make a suggestion, in the 2nd incident it looks like you're looking at the wreck instead of the apex which drew you into the wreck. Next time just focus on your apex and keep one eye on the wreck. Smile
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
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    Location : Germany

    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by M Waechter Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:29 am

    there will be better situations in next races Sergio Wink.
    my downshifting to neutral error is a mistake that does only happen something like one time in hundred years Wink and especially at such a corner where it means 'death' to do such a mistake.

    -unfortunately the Osella has no gear-display directly on the wheel like the formula cars, because if it would have been so I would probably have realised that I shifted to neutral a lot earlier.. and then immediately react and shift up one gear again.
    edit: what am I saying.., of course there is a gear-display in the cocktpit of the Osella behind its wheel (almost forgot that), but in my more high viewing setting this display can not be seen anymore.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:52 am

    Luca Seghieri wrote:mi scuso per la chat partita per il nervoso (ho chattato una volta in gara 1 e una volta in gara 2) sono anche troppe lo so' silent silent
    e' stato uno sfogo...mi dispiace pero', gara 1 Mika mi tampona in red zone 2 curve dopo lo start, e in gara 2 (sicuramente involontario) Mosca mi stringe dopo la S e la sfiga vuole che chi ci rimette sono io...loro niente ne Mika ne Mosca, e forse sono arrabbiato più per come si comporta netkar (nelle collisioni/danni) che come puo' andare una gara cosi'....capita.
    il regolamento parla chiaro, non voglio giustificarmi, so' di aver recato danno a tutti voi. Andrà ,meglio la prossima volta se mi riprendero' da questa brutta esperienza, ho il collare da tamponamento 7 April 2011: Donington Park 8461

    Luca Due volte Mad ........da veramente fastidio, perdi completamente la concentrazione e succede a 14 persone che gia contano lap e benzina ,curve e frenate ,dietro e davantichi c e...e ne posso dire ancora mille.....il full mode ,.........un errore viene pagato con la gara...
    preciso posto il replay apposta... nel mio replay Mika non ti tocca realmente....mi sembra che ci sia un po tra la tua macchina e la sua dai un occhio se vuoi... poi dovremmo sentire lui se l ha accusata ...
    replay gruppo A.
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Sergio Marques Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:10 am

    Kamran Choudhry wrote:Bummer Sergio! Looks like you had some bad luck. If I may make a suggestion, in the 2nd incident it looks like you're looking at the wreck instead of the apex which drew you into the wreck. Next time just focus on your apex and keep one eye on the wreck. Smile
    Smile Smile
    Maybe you right, but when netkar cars touch each other they react very fast and unpredictably, so is not a easy job to avoid others.
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Sergio Marques Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:16 am

    M Waechter wrote:there will be better situations in next races Sergio Wink.
    my downshifting to neutral error is a mistake that does only happen something like one time in hundred years Wink and especially at such a corner where it means 'death' to do such a mistake.

    I don't blame you, you just spin, full mode here just made me a trick, without the full mode, I would be just near the pit entry and could repair the car, with losing just a small time.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:07 am

    Hall of Fame updated
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:14 am

    Luca Seghieri wrote:mi scuso per la chat partita per il nervoso (ho chattato una volta in gara 1 e una volta in gara 2) sono anche troppe lo so' silent silent
    e' stato uno sfogo...mi dispiace pero'
    il regolamento parla chiaro, non voglio giustificarmi, so' di aver recato danno a tutti voi.

    Luca Seghieri has been penalized for chatting during the race.

    I appreciated very much the fact that, at least, you apologized here on the forum.

    I hope this will not happen anymore. Chatting during race is strictly not allowed.
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
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    Location : Germany

    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by M Waechter Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:06 pm

    The results of the server out of group B seems to be funnily corrupted, the shown quali positions are really totally wrong (mixed) ! -I think Kehagias was on pole, me around 5th and so on..-,
    but the race positions are correct anyway. If Canseco was not on pole, the real polesetter should get the point for the fastest quali lap, that needs to be corrected.
    Chris Kehagias

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Chris Kehagias Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:55 pm

    Yes it seems there is something wrong in both races, and the times are not correct.

    By the way, awesome race for me last night, but i would like to have some battles. Next time Very Happy
    I think it was the first time in my simracing experience that I win a race like this. 8)
    Luca Seghieri
    Luca Seghieri

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    Location : Pistoia Lucca

    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

    Post by Luca Seghieri Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:27 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:
    Luca Seghieri wrote:mi scuso per la chat partita per il nervoso (ho chattato una volta in gara 1 e una volta in gara 2) sono anche troppe lo so' silent silent
    e' stato uno sfogo...mi dispiace pero'
    il regolamento parla chiaro, non voglio giustificarmi, so' di aver recato danno a tutti voi.

    Luca Seghieri has been penalized for chatting during the race.

    I appreciated very much the fact that, at least, you apologized here on the forum.

    I hope this will not happen anymore. Chatting during race is strictly not allowed.
    Grazie, ho solo una domanda... ho giustamente subito -10 pt per la chat ma vorrei sapere se c'e' una tabella predefinita o c'è libera interpretazione sui punti da decurtare ?
    ho dato un occhio a questo documento per la Ks2 series ma -10pt non arriva nessuna penalità(vale la somma?)...esiste un'altra tabella? se i punti sono giusti e che credo siano giusti e che non le date certo "a caso" ha più gravità la chat che creare un'incidente in redzone....mi pare un pochino esagerato ecco ma è solo una mia impressione ci mancherebbe Very Happy ...scusatemi di nuovo e non risuccederà Wink (stacco la tastiera) 7 April 2011: Donington Park 11976
    Rules infractions
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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Rulesinfraction

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    7 April 2011: Donington Park Empty Re: 7 April 2011: Donington Park

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