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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Roberto Zanerini
laurent resende
M Carey
Mark Schilling
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    G27 question

    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    G27 question Empty G27 question

    Post by Mark Schilling Fri May 14, 2010 3:22 am

    Finally got my wheel replaced Very Happy
    Took 2 months.

    Anyway, got my G25 replaced with G27.
    Does anyone here have one, because I wanna ask if you think that the feedback is not as good as the G25?
    Maybe it's a driver problem or maybe the settings need to be different from the G25 to get the same effect?
    Or else it's just not as good, plain and simple Sad
    Noticed that there is no effect off the rumble strips now in netKar with it.
    Also have to plug it in and out a few times to get it to register the device. Strange.

    Lemme know what ya think any G27 owners.

    Mark Wink
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by M Carey Fri May 14, 2010 9:53 pm

    Laurent has a G27 (or was meant to be getting one), he’s probably your best bet of someone to compare notes with.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by laurent resende Fri May 21, 2010 2:10 am

    Hi everybody,
    out an answer to those questions about the G27 I am lucky enough to possess the two because I just received my G27, without wanting to hurt a Logitech I am somewhat disappointed in G27 question Icon_sad , I test all One after noon on Silverstone to get my record at the Rank of this circuit, not after four hours of tests drop below 1.44, here are my findings: lack of feeling with the track, no feeling or felt at the track ( dents, difference in altitude) no rumble, poor perception of vibrators, impossible to throw the car into the turn, slow reaction,
    So I took my G25 and it has not waited 10 laps of Spa (in F2000) with and HOP!! NEW RECORD 1.42.795.
    All these are just personal impressions, but I advise those who have a G25 in good condition to keep it and those who want to buy a Logitech steering wheel to take the G27 because all these little problems are probably related to a disability levels of drivers and Logitech will probably correct these imperfections, as the steering wheel is gorgeous (thickest rims, leather more supple, and 6 buttons on hand which is good for readjust its balance f / r brakes on the fly, reboot after stalling the engine and change the visor)
    I remain at your disposal at all if I can aid G27 question Icon_biggrin
    Roberto Zanerini

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by Roberto Zanerini Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:08 pm

    Posto qui per non aprire un thd nuovo, sono in procinto di comprare un Logitech G27
    ultimamente compaiono prezzi veramente bassi, ma danno come garanzia un solo anno invece di due della Logitech, qualcuno sa qualcosa?
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by laurent resende Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:13 pm

    hi Robertothere are 2 warranty, the seller and the manufacturer (Logitech)
    that the seller is 1 year
    that of the manufacturer that you should address to you after 1 year is 2 years

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by MikaRaymond Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:33 pm

    i also personally think the g25 is better than the g27.

    ive owned both wheels multiple times for 5+ years and have to say the g25 feels much stronger and more solid. ive had 3 g27's and all have them have started clicking and knocking.

    although the pedals and shifter may be better, i still feel the wheel is a massive disappointment to say they "upgraded" it. sure its quieter, but its hella ugly and it doesnt feel as strong or bulky and the feedback is somewhat disappointing.

    dont get me wrong its still a great wheel, but i dont think they made it as good as it could be given the timeframe and feedback they had.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by laurent resende Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:56 pm

    I personally served the G27 at the beginning that I buy for the test, approximately 500 km NetKar, and oops! the accelerator is running at 90 %!!!!!!!
    Logitech has completely changed me in 4 days! Bravo
    I do not even unpack the ale and I resumed my old G25 which must total 700 000km on netKar and still works without problem
    not the G27 is not really a success, far too soft!! no feeling with the car at the time of version 1.1 I NetKar lost about 1 second a lap from the G25 !!!!!
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by Albert McSaltens Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:26 am

    wellcome to the real world guys where corporations everyday have to cut on costs wich leads on cut on end quality, is seems like the guitar, and guitar amplifiers companies, wich tge best amps are usualy the older ones, those made on the 60's cause back then they were done by hand and the companies did not cut on component's quality, as the time goes on companies are stuggling, economic crisis etc so they cut on quality to cut on final costs and prices so this is what you can expect. especialy under crisis era
    Michele Campini

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by Michele Campini Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:48 pm

    Mark Schilling wrote:Finally got my wheel replaced Very Happy
    Took 2 months.

    Anyway, got my G25 replaced with G27.
    Does anyone here have one, because I wanna ask if you think that the feedback is not as good as the G25?
    Maybe it's a driver problem or maybe the settings need to be different from the G25 to get the same effect?
    Or else it's just not as good, plain and simple Sad
    Noticed that there is no effect off the rumble strips now in netKar with it.
    Also have to plug it in and out a few times to get it to register the device. Strange.

    Lemme know what ya think any G27 owners.

    Mark Wink

    No news for me mate.
    Me too replaced the G25 with G27.
    What a bad choise.
    G25 is better then G27, of course.

    G27 has the led, 6 button and blah blah blah ... but G25 was an hard and directly and full-feel wheel ... and the G27 is too smothly, too soft ... since i could go back ...
    I love only the h-shift in G27 wheel, that is very very good.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by laurent resende Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:11 pm

    le software de logitech n'est absolument pour rien pour les différence qui existe entre le G25 et le G27; ce sont les matériaux qui compose le volant qui font la différence, le G25 utilise des engrenages métal et le G27 des engrenages plastique
    le G25 chauffe plus que le G27 ,je crois que c'est la raison pour laquelle logitech a essayé les engrenages plastiques ,et rendre les frictions plus confortables, et naturellement comme le dit Albert pour des raisons de cout moins élévé
    ils ont essayé pour le rendre plus attrayants de mettre un compte tour lumineux (qui ne sert strictement à rien),
    maintenant il est certain que la jante du volant est plus epaisse et plus agréable au toucher, les 6 boutons au volant sont aussi plaisant
    mais le feeling avec la piste,quelques soit les réglages du software profiler ,est beaucoup moindre que le G25
    chaque pilotes a des sensations différentes avec sont volant qui reste l'élément le plus direct avec le simu , ce qui plait a un ne plaira pas à l'autre,et inversement, je ne croit pas qu'il existe ,a part bien sur le verdict du chrono, de règles absolut (comme les setup) G27 question 659651 __the software from Logitech is absolutely nothing for the difference between the G25 and the G27, it is the materials that make up the wheel that make the difference, the G25 uses metal gears and plastic gears G27
    G25 hotter than the G27, I think that's why Logitech has tried the plastic gears and make the friction more comfortable, and of course the words of Albert for reasons of lower cost
    they tried to make it more attractive to a tachometer light (which is absolutely worthless)
    Now it is certain that the steering wheel rim is thicker and more pleasant to the touch, the 6 buttons at the steering wheel are also fun
    but the feeling with the track, or some software settings profile is much less than the G25
    Each driver has different feelings with which are still flying the most direct bearing on the simulation, which pleases one will not please the other and vice versa, I do not believe that there is, besides of course the verdict of the clock, rules absolut (like setup)
    Tomas Torasen
    Tomas Torasen

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by Tomas Torasen Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:58 pm

    I use the G27 along with fanatec club sport pedals. I dont agree on the FFB, imo it's better than both G25 and fanatec wheels. But as I said, this is about personal preference.
    Although I've had small hints here and there that there are some steering sensitivity issues in drivers or built in, on the G27. It would be interesting to get to know what this really is.
    Roberto Zanerini

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by Roberto Zanerini Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:48 pm

    http://www.simhq.com/_technology3/technology_170a.html ::hail::
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by laurent resende Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:01 pm

    indéniablement le pédalier du Fanatec est le point fort, celui de Logitech à toujour été et ce depuis la série Momo à toujours été source de probleme pour Logitech (perte de la totalité de la course de l'accélérateur 90-95 % à la place des 100% requis) et ce sur leur 3 derniers produit(MOMO,G25, et G27) je me suis entretenu avec un techniciens de Logitech à ce propos,il m'a confirmer qu'il s'agissait d'un problème d'électronique
    Gary Munson ,mon coéquipier a acheter l'ensemble en 2 étapes, en premier le pédalier: j'ai put constater immédiatement la différence de ses résultats, il allait beaucoup plus vite, freinait nettement mieux ,et ses temps au tour ont tout de suite diminué, pour le volant qu'il à commandé après la différence à été moindre bien qu'il à continué à améliorer ses temps, d'ailleurs chez Iracing auquel il consacre beaucoup de temps ses bons résultats ont été immédiat
    l'idéal est d'avoir un volant Logitech (pour moi un G25)et un pédalier Fanatec ,les 2 sont compatible
    Roberto Zanerini

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by Roberto Zanerini Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:15 pm

    Merci Laurent, mais le G25 est presque impossible de trouver, puis de combiner deux produits ont des problèmes de sécurité en cas où quelque chose ne fonctionne pas. Ainsi, la roue Fanatec n'est pas aussi bon?
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    G27 question Empty Re: G27 question

    Post by laurent resende Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:42 pm

    Roberto, no, no, Le volant Fanatec est un excellent produit, personnellement je lui trouve un peu le defaut du G27, trop lisse (par rapport au G25)
    par contre le ressenti des freinages et accélération est fantastique, ce qui n'est pas le cas du G27 avec lequel les vibreurs et les bosses passent presque totalement inaperçut, pour l'achat d'un nouveau volant je te recommande sans probleme le Fanatec ,a cause d'abord de son pédalier et ensuite pour sa précision et ses "feeling" de piste
    je sais qu'il devient difficile de trouver aujourd'hui des G25, c'est la raison pour laquelle je prie tout les matins pour que le mien ne me lache pas (lol) choses qui serait normal apres plus de trois ans d'utilisation intensive
    mais çà va j'aie du rechange en stock!!!lol

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