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    Ferrari virtual Academy

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:35 am

    Marco, believe me, the guys running at 56'' are not cheating, are simply very very fast. Those guys are very well known sim drivers constantly fast in every sim. They won already world prices, and some of them are real drivers also, so don't be too suspicious about them.

    Here is a in-game video of David Greco, the Italian current leader. Try to compare this lap with your (put them side by side) and you will see that he jump on brakes late, accelerate as soon as possible, get a perfect line all the time. Those guys are talented, not cheaters!
    This is not even his best lap, but a lap he did just to show the steering ratio he is using (exactly the same of Alonso's). He got a wonderful 56.8xx
    Think that he can do a lap like this even with fraps capturing the video (so it will slow down his pc).

    David Greco (Ferrari Virtual Academy)

    Fernando Alonso (real)

    About the "fuel mistery", everything is pretty simple: whenever you manage to complete a valid lap, your fuel and tires will be restored (so new tires and 10 liters of fuel).

    Other people already said that might be an advantage to start from 10 liters, having 5-6 invalid laps to burn the fuel and being lighter and then attempt their best lap.
    There are 2 main problems with this also:
    1)doing a single lap after 5-6 invalid lap could be really boring, but even requires a lot of concentration. If you can do it, good on you!
    2)tires wear out just as in real life. As you will see in the real F1 during qualify, no one does more than 2-4 laps with the same tires. Although you will have less fuel, therefore less weight, worn out tires will influence your performance more.

    Happy hotlapping!
    By the way, don't worry you are not the only one at +4'' from those aliens! I'm fighting to get under the minute as well. I always do some small mistakes and loose a lot of time. ::hihi:: My goal is to reach 59'', for now. I will keep practicing, and I'm sure time will get down, sooner or later!
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by M Carey Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:21 pm

    Looks like a different car in David's hands Razz
    M Waechter

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by M Waechter Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:13 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote: About the "fuel mistery", everything is pretty simple: whenever you manage to complete a valid lap, your fuel and tires will be restored (so new tires and 10 liters of fuel).

    Other people already said that might be an advantage to start from 10 liters, having 5-6 invalid laps to burn the fuel and being lighter and then attempt their best lap.
    There are 2 main problems with this also:
    1)doing a single lap after 5-6 invalid lap could be really boring, but even requires a lot of concentration. If you can do it, good on you!
    2)tires wear out just as in real life. As you will see in the real F1 during qualify, no one does more than 2-4 laps with the same tires. Although you will have less fuel, therefore less weight, worn out tires will influence your performance more.

    Regarding point two you might be wrong, because the tire-conditions are reseted to the same (optimal) conditions every time you cross the finish line -this is also mentioned somewhere on their page, so there is no tire wear which can influence speed / strategy or s.th. in this competition !

    Reagrding point one the opposite case happens in 'my Sim.'(edit: but only when using Alonso's car it seems, -when I choose Massa's car it is correct, as you described above): Fuel isn't reseted to 10 l as long as I drive clean laps and do not cross the white line, -only when I produce invalid laps it is sometimes randomly reseted to 10 l.. scratch .

    I'm / was not too suspicious about those 0:56.x laps at the begining Wink, but just once as I discovered this small bug I thought it is something wrong and unfair there...,
    but gladly it is not as I realised when testing out this issue I described above again. So everything is fair -gladly. Smile
    M Waechter

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by M Waechter Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:47 am

    I managed several 0:59.x laps for the first time this evening.

    First I achieved a 0:59.7 with Alonso's car (setup 2) then I took Massa's car (also setup 2) and got an even faster lap 0:59.208 out of it's behaviour 8) .
    By using a bit of the outside of the fast turn no.3 you can get quicker in sector 1.

    In sector 1 + 3 I'm now nearly equal as fast as Massa (just 0.1 - 0.3 tenth behind him) Smile, I'm losing most of the time in the second sector (0.8 sec. behind).

    -Always saved the replay of most of this 0:59.x laps. Replays in general of this Sim. look quite cool btw. Very Happy.
    Btw.: Did you all ever clicked on "Replay" in the Sim. ? I did this the first time as I watched my saved replays again a few minutes ago ..and what I surprisingly saw is
    even a saved replay of Massa's fastest lap 0:57.579 min !! (great, there you can learn about his driving style). -He squeezes out a lot in the
    slow 1st gear corner of sector two Very Happy Shocked Wink (really a true Massa there -for e.g. .. - cyclops ), that's probably why I lose so 'much' time in sector 2 in comparison to him (until now).

    Both car's do have individual sound btw. . Massa's engine sounds slightly more 'harsh', Alonso's engine sounds softer -more 'fresh-air-like' or s.th., dunno how to describe it more imagineable- Smile.
    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Maarten Steverink Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:42 pm

    I'm really starting to like this Ferrari :-D I was at Fiorano just a week ago, in my Monza trip hehe! So very cool to drive here! I did a 57,600 so far, with Massa's car, and setup 3.

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:44 pm

    Well done Maarten. Keep pushing!! Not too bad, 57.6 in 2 days!!
    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Maarten Steverink Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:15 pm

    57,4 already lol! Still 94th though haha!
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Paul O'Brien Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:22 pm

    Maarten Steverink wrote:57,4 already lol! Still 94th though haha!

    im torn between setup 2 and 3 i even like 4 Wink

    though trying to drive f2000 now feels like driving a truck lol
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Paul O'Brien Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:42 pm

    setup 2 is faster once u get used to the lower downforce, managed to break into the 57's just Razz
    M Waechter

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by M Waechter Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:21 am

    improved a bit: 0:58:869 min. is my PB now (Massa's car, setup 2).*
    Before I tested with setup 3 a lot (over 150 laps, puhh), best was a 0:59.019 with setup 3.

    *There is still some room to get a faster lap than this (I wasn't at the limit at turn 5, because I didn't want to destroy the lap there ::whistle:: Wink.)
    But in general I'm still to slow in sector 2 compared to Massa's lap.

    It seems tire consumption is more important when using setup 3 than with setup 2.., as I can't get faster with setup 3 with low fuel but 'worn' tires.
    (@Andrea: Yes, I've to correct myself: There seems to be tire consumption indeed, it is only resteted when also the fuel is reseted to 10 l.. .
    When I was using setup 2 all the time before, I didn't recognize any relevant tire consumtion.. in comparison when trying setup 3 now a few minutes ago.., ->so I thought it
    is reseted each time when you cross the finish-line and just the fuel is not as long as you do invalid laps..., but i was wrong.)
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Attilio Barba Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:32 pm

    mi spiace ma non vale 15 euro
    meglio nkpro
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:50 pm

    punti di vista. A me piace ovviamente piu' nkpro, per tutto quello che in piu' offre. Non mi trovo neanche particolarmente a mio agio con una macchina cosi' potente, ma devo riconoscere che e' fatta davvero bene, cosi' come la pista. Se ho del tempo libero preferisco passarlo con nKPRO, ma ogni volta che passo quei 10 minuti nella rossa, mi diverto perche' mi da' belle sensazioni. Per me gia' questo giustifica la spesa di una pizza e birra. Aspetto con ansia l'uscita delle nuove piste, soprattutto perche' so che saranno molto meno piatte di Fiorano, ed esalteranno le caratteristiche della F10.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by laurent resende Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:21 pm

    Completamente d'accordo con te Andrea, è bello cambiare di volta in volta della simulazione senza trascurare la nostra preferita NetKar, soprattutto perché non esiste sul mercato di altro simulatore che abbiano le qualità di questi Questi ultimi due, il piacere di guida non è paragonabile con rFactor e consorzi
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:28 pm

    wow Laurent, almost a good google translation lol!

    I agree with you, Laurent. I haven't found, so far, any other simulator that can give me the same emotions and feeling that nKPRO (and FVA) offer.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by laurent resende Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:49 pm

    He! He!
    una forza trainante della Ferrari, ho messo la lingua italiana e lo stesso schema, piena di spaghetti, una pizza automobili, le tonnellate di Gorgonzola, e specialmente di Osso Buco di barili chianti !!!!!!!! ! Tutto questo senza sforzo perché la cucina italiana è una delle migliori al mondo (dopo la francese LOL) [img][/img]
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:02 pm

    ahahaha lol!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:15 am

    Ferrari Virtual Academy on Inside Sim Racing

    Starting at 14:20
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by M Carey Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:14 pm

    Boobies! Very Happy
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by laurent resende Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:33 pm

    nice pub for NetKar!!! Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 659651
    Germano Cervini
    Germano Cervini

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Germano Cervini Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:20 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:punti di vista. A me piace ovviamente piu' nkpro, per tutto quello che in piu' offre. Non mi trovo neanche particolarmente a mio agio con una macchina cosi' potente, ma devo riconoscere che e' fatta davvero bene, cosi' come la pista. Se ho del tempo libero preferisco passarlo con nKPRO, ma ogni volta che passo quei 10 minuti nella rossa, mi diverto perche' mi da' belle sensazioni. Per me gia' questo giustifica la spesa di una pizza e birra. Aspetto con ansia l'uscita delle nuove piste, soprattutto perche' so che saranno molto meno piatte di Fiorano, ed esalteranno le caratteristiche della F10.

    Si Andrea ti devo dare ragione ancora e normale che nel suo insieme NKP è meglio e un qualcosa di più completo, comunque FVA è un gran simulatore moderno e mi da sensazioni uniche ed appaganti, spero solo che in un prossimo futuro implementino il vero online, ma questo io so! Smile che dipenderà da quanto riusciranno a vendere! Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 659651
    Alessio Cravotto
    Alessio Cravotto

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Alessio Cravotto Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:13 pm

    Complimenti per le bocce di Jessica... cheers
    paul thomas

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by paul thomas Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:45 am

    FOV Changes for FVA download Glovepie and cut and paste the following into a script
    The button config is for the fanatec wheel use insert/delete home/end pageup/page down ansd u/i to change fov
    this script will work for any program that uses trackIr ie iracing, nkp lfs etc

    F9 = joystick0.Button7

    F1 = joystick0.Button8
    F2 = joystick0.Button5

    if (var.init=false) then
    var.defp = FakeTrackIR.pitch
    var.defx = FakeTrackIR.x
    var.defy = FakeTrackIR.y
    var.defz = FakeTrackIR.z

    if pressed(Insert) then
    FakeTrackIR.y += 0.003 // up
    elseif pressed(Delete) then
    FakeTrackIR.y -= 0.003 // down
    elseif pressed(Home) then
    FakeTrackIR.x += 0.003 // right
    elseif pressed(End) then
    FakeTrackIR.x -= 0.003 // left
    elseif pressed(u) then
    FakeTrackIR.pitch += 1 // pitch +
    elseif pressed(i) then
    FakeTrackIR.pitch -= 1 // pitch -
    elseif pressed((PageUp)) then
    FakeTrackIR.z += 0.003 // forward
    elseif pressed((PageDown)) then
    FakeTrackIR.z -= 0.003 // back
    elseif pressed((Enter)) then // reset to default
    FakeTrackIR.z = var.defz
    FakeTrackIR.y = var.defy
    FakeTrackIR.x = var.defx

    Last edited by ippai on Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : xtra info)
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:04 am

    nice idea!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:06 am

    Mugello FVA is out!

    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Mugello_235_110
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 Empty Re: Ferrari virtual Academy

    Post by laurent resende Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:39 pm

    LOL !!!!!!!!! lol! made to hypothequer our Ferrari, to buy Mugello 10 euro and make a formidable P18544!!!!!
    Happily for the least lucky of us that Mugello D' andrea, Mario, Mauro and the others cheaper coute!!!
    Scuderia (the true) needs silver!!!!! mine in no way then I buy!!!! lol
    How in the poker it is necessary to pay to see!!!! Sad
    Ferrari virtual Academy - Page 3 8461 Laurent

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