Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Mark Schilling
laurent resende
M Carey
Andrea Lojelo
corrado conti
9 posters

    I am trying to find the iRacing league

    corrado conti

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2010-11-15

    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by corrado conti Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:28 am

    Hello everyone, new member and still trying to figure out how to make everything work.

    I am a member at iRacing and on our forum we have been discussing NKpro. One of the posters mentioned they created a team for iRacing members here at RS and I have been trying to find it but aside from teh RS team I could not find any other teams at all.

    Basically, I would like to do whatever it takes to race in NK. But first I need to know what races are available at what time, then I need to practice the tracks and cars I am going to race in and so forth.

    So for me the best option seemed to join a team of n00bs from iracing as we would have something in common.

    However, I have no problem following any process at all and I am not stuck on the Iracing team either. Anything that let me plan and join online races in NK would do.

    Can anyone help?

    PS: I am italian, but I have been living in California for 30 years. So I can read and speak both main languages here. Feel free to answer in any language is more familiar to you.

    Thank you.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:00 am

    Hi, welcome on board. It's always nice to see now people around.
    First small request: can you change your username using your Name Surname? You can change it from the profile. Thanks.

    Then, to answer to your question, here you will find all the informations to register your user/team in our league. I'm don't know which one is this iracing team, maybe you will recognize some names in the team/drivers list.
    Anyway, you can create your own team too. Just remember no more than 2 drivers per team.

    About the time/date, we always announce our races in both our forum in the league section and on our website.
    Races usually starts around 21:00 CET (GTM+1, so Italian time), so if I'm not mistaken should be 12:00 in your place.

    If you have any more doubt, please don't hesitate to ask.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:29 am

    and...some informations about other questions you asked in the other post.

    cconti wrote:First of all, I want to apologize to the mods. I posted my first thread in what now I know was the wrong area.

    The original post is here: http://forum.radiators-champ.com/netkar-pro-forum-f1/i-am-trying-to-find-the-iracing-league-t564.htm#16152

    But only now I discovered there was a "General discussion" in this forum. I thought the Netkar Pro area was it. Again my apologies.

    I am trying to find and apply to a new team that was funded by some folks from iRacing. That's mostly because I think it will make it easier for me to have at l;east that small connection with my temmates.

    In our iRacing forum, some folks said they just started a new team here but I looked all over and I can't find. To be sure, I wouldn;t mind racing with any team, or even not have a team while I learn the ropes on NK and get used to new tracks, cars, etc. in multip[layer mode.

    Most importantly, I need to know what times I can find some folks to practice with online in preparation for upcoming races.

    Coming from iRacing, where everything is highly structured and there is almost always an easy to join race or practice, I am finding it a bit harder here. But even on the iracing forums, most of us agree: NKpro is an excellent sim and we wish we could race it more often.

    Can anyone give me a small hint as to where to start? Obviously, I joined, I looked at the flow charts, but still I am unable to:

    a) Find the iracing team (if one really exists)
    b) Find any team or any way to get info on practice servers, times and when most likely there will be drivers using it.

    It's a shame NKpro doesn't have a more active online "life", so to speak, compared to rFactor, GTR and company. I honestly can hardly drive those sims after using iRacing and NKpro.

    But when I am in NK pro and I go to multiplayer, most of the servers are empty and those that have people in them, I honestly don;t know if I am allowed to join in. Even if I did, odds are that I am unfamiliar with at least the track (and I am not that familiar with the cars either). I don;t want to make a mess on someone elses race or create a nuisance in general.

    So if someone could be so kind to show me the ropes or at least tell me where to go to learn more, I'll do the rest of my homework.

    By the way, this is the first time I see the "General" area on the forum. I will read the posts.

    Also, feel free to answer in Italian if it's better for you. To me it makes no difference. Thank you

    you can always enter in any server you like. nkPRO is not really structured, and lately seems to be a destruction derby paradise, unfortunately, since there are a lot of new drivers that are not yet familiar with the car.
    It's a pity. I hope it will be better already on Thursday when we will organize our training day.
    It will be passworded, with people of the championship only, so, hopefully we will have some clean races.

    About stats, you will find informations only on the championship races on our website.
    Here some interesting features of our championship management tool, gpcos.

    corrado conti

    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2010-11-15

    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by corrado conti Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:36 am

    Thanks Andrea for the replay. 2 drivers per team? Then even if they created a team it must be full, or maybe I am not understanding correctly. Maybe he meant a league? In any case, I realized there is a lot more to that page you linked to than I thought, so I guess I'll be reading for a bit to figure out the system and try to find some way for me to pick up some races.

    As far as the races being a crash fest, the important thing for me is that there are no intentional crashers. If crashes happen for lack of experience, I guess I'll be guilty too. What I can't stand is drivers that race online with the sole purpose to crash others.

    Is it possible to form a league within your organization? If we could round up some drivers from iRaciing to create a new league, what servers can we use? Do we need to buy something? I was thinking of proposing to a bunch of US and Canadian drivers to come over and race some NKpro. Everyone is pretty much in awe of the Sim, but no one knows how to go about racing it online. When we connect to the servers from the US they are almost always empty.

    What do you think would be the best way to go about it?

    If that doesn't work, what would be the best way for me to race here? I'd love to participate in your training by the way. Maybe once I am more familiar with the Sim and I know the system better I may be able to apply to join your league.

    Thank you for the replay.

    PS: I did change the username. I have a automatic form filler and it filled out my initial and last name.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:10 pm

    Ciao Corrado!
    we allow 2 driver maximum per team (except the default radiators-champ team). So it's possible to have even team with only one driver. We do that to have a proper team championship also, giving to every one a fair chance to win it.

    I think the crash fest is at the moment just due to inexperience, and I'm pretty sure that a safe environment with some rules will help. We had very good clean races before this release, I'm sure will not take long before everyone will get used tho the new car also.

    In netKar PRO, if you want to host some races you can without any problems, as long as you have a good connection.
    We bought a quite powerful server with bandwidth enough to host races. On netKar PRO manual you will find all specifications about it. As usual, the more the better.
    I've to say that netKar PRO usually suffer quite a lot in case of high ping of some participants. Our server is located in Spain, and I hope that the distance will not create too many problems for people outside Europe. We just have to try.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by M Carey Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:42 pm

    Hi Corrado, I sent you a PM on DrivingItalia, about BoNI's setup guide Wink
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by laurent resende Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:54 pm

    petit rappel,l'organisation de IRacing est quasiment parfaite c'est un fait certain, mais les moyens financiers ne sont pas du tout les memes que ceux de Netkar, pour pouvoir jouer dans IRacing il faut tout payer!!! les voitures ,les circuits etc etc ... et l'abonnement qui coute a peu près 15 euros par mois soit 180 euros par an c'est une entreprise commerciale !!! study
    dans Netkar tout est gratuit !!!!! un fois la license acquise (20 euros LOL!!!) tout le monde peut courir accéder aux server, s'inscrire aux différente ligues,participer à des championnats!etc etc...
    et tout cela grace au dévouement de bénévoles passionnés comme Jaap Wagenvoort ,Andrea Lodjelo,Michel Morgenthal,bjorn de haas,Laszlo, (pardon à ceux que j'oublie) I am trying to find the iRacing league 8461
    et des sites comme Radiators Springs ne vous enverrons jamais comme la charmante hotesse Susan de IRacing le message "nouveau circuits 12 euros!!!!sortez votre carte de crédit et cliquez ici"
    C'est grace à des Gens comme Andrea que Netkar pro vit,et assumme les frais des servers et autres cout !!
    merci de tous coeur vive NetKar!! ou tout le monde riche ou pauvres peut donner libre cours a sa passion cheers cheers I am trying to find the iRacing league 663941 quick reminder, the organization of iRacing is almost perfect is a certain fact, but the funds are not the same as those of Netkar, to play in iRacing must pay for everything! cars, circuits, etc etc ... and subscription costs about 15 euros per month or 180 euros per year is a business!
    Netkar in all free !!!!! Once acquired the license (20 euros LOL!) anyone can access the server running, registering different leagues, participate in championships! etc etc ...
    And all thanks to the dedication of passionate volunteers like Jaap Wagenvoort, Andrea Lodjelo, Michael Morgenthal, bjorn Haas, Laszlo, (sorry to those I forget)
    and sites like Radiator Springs will never send you as a charming hostess Susan iRacing the message "new circuits 12 euros!! pull out your credit card and click here"
    It is thanks to people like Andrea that pro Netkar lives and assumme costs of servers and other cost!
    thank you for all NetKar hearts live! or everyone rich or poor can unleash their passion
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:08 pm

    Thanks Laurent! We love this sim, and we love having fun with our friends, organizing leagues, and creating tracks and various add-ons.
    At the end, as a Team, we decided, to pay the cost of our server ourself, and to offer(hopefully) a good service to everyone for free.

    At the end we always say that netKar PRO is worth much more than the licence fee, this is our way to demonstrate it.

    We relay on other friends also that help us offering their servers to spread the load (although on our server we can host multiple nkservers at the same time, we prefer to avoid any kind of problems during the official events)
    I want to thank Gerard and Tjeerd for allowing us to use their servers for our official events.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by laurent resende Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:26 pm

    chose très importante que j'aie oublié dans ma plaidoierie ,c'est également le fait que des garçons comme Stéphane ,Albert,Gerard, Marius ,luca, mario,Claudio,Fulvio,mauro et tous les autres passent des et des heures devant leurs logiciels graphiques,a nous fabriquer de fantastiques circuits, et de magnifiques voitures ,tout cela gratuitement!!!!lorsque l'ont sait combien coute une heure de Graphiste!!!!! un Grand merci et un grand hommage à eux de la part du passionné qu je suis
    ce sont eux qui font vivre et developper NetKar!!!!!! very important thing that I forgot in my CLOSING ARGUMENTS, it is also the fact that boys like Stephen Albert Gerard, Marius, luca, mario, Claudio, Fulvio, mauro and all other and spend hours in front of their graphics software, we make a fantastic circuit, and beautiful cars, all for free!! where have known how much does one hour of designer !!!!! a Big thank you and a great tribute to them from the passion that I am
    they are the ones who live and develop NetKar !!!!!!
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by Mark Schilling Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:33 pm

    Actually iRacing is not that expensive Laurent. It's dollars not euros.
    So if you subscribe for 3 months at a time it's EUR7.34 per month. If you subscribe for longer it's cheaper. Even just subscribing for 1 month at a time it's EUR8.80.
    The tracks and cars are a bit of a pain to buy but the quality makes it worth it. The tracks especially are amazing.
    Also if you are buying stuff, it's recommended to buy 6 or more items at once as you get 20% off the total value.
    You also get credits for participating in races so you can get money off your subscription.

    I am trying to find the iRacing league Promo_membership1
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by laurent resende Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:58 pm

    c'est très bien,mais autour de la planète tous le monde n'a pas les moyens de payer pour jouer ,dans Netkar pas de surprise a par licence tout est gratuit!!!!!!!!!!!lol pas d'euro, pas de dollards rien!!! lolthat's fine, but around the world all the world can not afford to play in Netkar no surprise by any license is not free !!!!!!!!!!! lol!! euro, dollards no nothing! lol
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by Mark Schilling Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:24 pm

    Like anything in life, you get what you pay for lol!
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by laurent resende Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:25 pm

    I am trying to find the iRacing league 95475
    corrado conti

    Posts : 13
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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Iracing cost

    Post by corrado conti Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:14 am

    Indeed, I don't find iRacing expensive. You do get a lot for your money and you could get away with paying only for the tracks and cars you want. Some of us choose to buy more to take advantage of the 20% discount (there is a 25% discount if you buy really a lot). Also, it's in USD so in Euros it's much less.

    iRacing also has a nice feature that maybe Radiator springs could try implementing if revenues is an issue (which I don't know at this time. I just find it a nice service and if others offered it I would take advantage of it).

    That is that any member can buy for $3USD time on a server for up to 3 or 4 hours worth of practice and a race. That's actually what we do when we want a type of racing iRacing doesn't offer, such as multi formula racing with different cars in the same race. I think it's a very good forumla because $300 is really very little, especially if divided by 10, 15 participants in case you have a league.

    You simply book the time slot and you can choose to password the race if you want.

    Naturally, free is better, but I prefer to pay a reasonable amount and know I am going to be able to enjoy the service for years to come than get it for free now and incur the risk the provider closes down because of lack of funds. I Have never subscribed to the "free is a business model" philosophy.

    Whether that would work for an organization like radiatorsprings or not, I really can't say, but if they offered a service like that I would take advantage of it. In fact, the model iRacing is using is far from perfect for a league, for instance. You cannot book your sessions in advance. But if someone could provide an affordable server that could be booked (and paid for) in advance, I am sure many leagues would take advantage of it and it could be a viable business model to pay for the free portion of the racing.

    In any event, I don't think this is a matter of NKpro Vs. iRacing. Many users at iRacing really like nkPro as well. Both can coexist.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by laurent resende Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:41 am

    cher Corrado ,il existe sur netkar un outil que Jaap Wagenvoort a créé et qui s'appelle "netkar pro rank", cet outil est totalement gratuit et permet à tout a chacun de se créer un server,ou il peut programmer le nombre de pilotes qui peut le joindre, la durée des sessions (practice,qualyfs,race)
    je ne voit pas pour quelle raisons il faudrait aller faire payer 2/3 dollard les pilotes qui voudrait le rejoindre ,l'accès des servers à toujours été gratuit sur NetKar, je ne voit vraiment pas pourquoi il faudrait commencer à tout payer !!!!!lol
    maintenant libre à chacun de créer sa propre league avec un tiroir caisse à l'entrée !!!!!
    je ne sais pas si les clients se bousculeront a la porte, mais sais t'on jamais, essaye Corrado ,mais personnellemnt inutile de me compter parmit tes clients Potentiels
    d'ailleurs je ne crois pas que l'idée de faire du fric avec NetKar sans trop spéculer sur les intention de Stefano Castillo créateur de NetKar soit à l'ordre du jour, et soit également dans la philosophie générale de son magnifique simu!!!!!!!!
    IRacing est IRacing,NetKar est Netkar!!!!!!comparons ce qui est philosophiquement comparable,"aux Armes Citoyens marchons,marchons,formons nos bataillons!!" ils veulent nous transformer notre NetKar en machine à fric!!!!! lol!
    corrado conti

    Posts : 13
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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by corrado conti Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:35 am

    OK, I knew that someone would misunderstand my previous post.

    Number one, I apologize but I don't speak french. Thank God for google translate.
    Second, I never said that Netkar should begin to charge for server use. I said iRacing was charging for server use.
    I also said that as a business model is not bad and I would pay the $3 it takes to create your own race. I didn't say everyone else should too. (by the way, it's $3 for the entire server regardless of how many racers. One user buys the server for $3 the rest race for free)

    Also, I commented on the fact that as a business model it could help pay for the infrastructure and for the maintenance of the free servers. However, I was not referring specifically to this or any site. I just figured that if a group of people wanted to race for free and they had the ability to offer such a service to other leagues, then it's a good way to do it. At the end, someone has to pay for the servers, bandwidth and other costs associated to maintaining and running the site. If there are people willing to pay for the service why not offer it?

    One other thing, I have never even remotely hinted at the fact that I would be offering a pay-per-play server. It never crossed my mind and I hope it was not what transpired from my post. I already Have a job and that's enough for me Smile

    In fact, the poist was to say a few things:

    1) iRacing is not as expensive as some seem to think, for the service and quality they offer.
    2) A lot of people on iRacing really like NetKar pro and would like to race it as well.
    3) Some may be willing to pay if they wanted to form their own league and it was offered as a package. But that my supposition. I only imagine that to be a possibility. I am not iracing, I do not represent anyone but myself and basically I would pay if a service was available because hopefully my money could improve the quality of said service and hopefully feed the families of the developers, website administrators and everyone involved.

    Just me. No one else.

    In essence, I was just stating some facts and I was making a couple of educated guesses. No harm intended.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by laurent resende Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:51 am

    personellement j'aie rien contre IRacing ,c'est un excellent simu,j'aie pris 6 mois d'abonnement chez eux
    mais je n'aie joué avec que 3 fois,pas le temps j'aime trop NetKar,et quand j'en aie eut marre que Susan me harcèle de sollicitations promotionnelles j'aie arrèté mon abonnement ! pour ceux qui veulent y adhérer pas de problème il est très bon .Mais mes petits grincement de dents sont avant tout humoristiques et pas du tout agressifs lol lol!
    a part peut etre que d'entendre parler de frics dans NetKar me dérange un peu ,pour ce qui le veulent, à l'exemple de GPC ,et de RaceDepartment,il y a une case donation, associé a Paypal ,j'y contribue personnellement de temps à autres,mais rien n'est obligatoire, c'est ce qui fait tout l'esprit NetKar!!! Non ho nulla personalmente contro Iracing è una simulazione eccellente, ho preso un abbonamento 6 mesi a casa
    ma io ho giocato solo 3 volte, non c'è tempo come NetKar troppo, e quando io possa avere avuto stanco di molestare me che sollecitazioni Susan promozionali ho smesso il mio abbonamento! per coloro che vogliono unirsi nessun problema è molto buona. Ma il mio piccolo stridore di denti
    sono prevalentemente umoristico e non aggressivo a tutti lol
    tranne forse per sentire parlare di soldi in NetKar fastidio me un po ', per quanto egli vuole, come la GPC, e RaceDepartment, vi è una donazione di controllo, associato Paypal, ho contribuisce personalmente di volta in volta, ma nulla è obbligatorio, che è ciò che rende l'intero spirito NetKar!http://lredscuderiaracing.freeforums.org/portal.phpLaurent Resende
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:47 am

    iRacing introduced this new concept in the virtual racing world: pay for everything. I think they have been brave enough to do it. At the end they are offering, no doubt about it, a very good service with value for money.
    netKar PRO, for his nature (a 2-3 people company relying on limited budget and side projects to stay alive), is relying a lot on their (few) users for those additional services.
    Jaap Wagenwoort has been one of the pioneer on that, creating gpcos (a nice league management tool that we are using also), creating the wonderful netKarRank, and organizing the first leagues. With him many other people have contibuted to enhance this sim , always for free, creating/converting tracks, addons, tools, and everything you can think of.

    netKar for me is pure passion. We wont ask for money, simply because, at least for us, it's already an enjoyment to see people having fun with what we created.

    At the end the running cost of a server is not that high, especially if you share withing a team.
    This year, we paid 1.3 euro per day each, roughly, so much less than 3 dollars.
    To be honest when I see websites collecting 400 euros per months I'm a bit confused. With that amount of money we can go on for 1 year and 3 months!
    Obviously it's all about volumes, but i can't really understand how costs could grow up so much!

    Anyway, we are lucky we don't have to choose between nk and iR. If you have time enough, you can use both of them, and take the best from both.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by laurent resende Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:49 am

    Dear laurent resende ,

    Your iRacing subscription expired two months ago, come
    back to race with us.
    Don’t miss any of the action; visit the “My Account”
    section of the member site to renew your membership. If you want to save time
    and effort, on the renewal page check the “auto-renew” box and your membership
    will always stay current.

    View your account details here: http://members.iracing.com/

    Have you considered upgrading your account? Here are
    four membership options that will save you money:

    1. Our 2-year
    membership plan at $179 offers the best savings, with an average of only $7.46
    per month!

    2. Our 1-year
    membership plan at $99 is the most popular, with an average of only $8.25 per

    3. We just lowered
    the price of our 3-month membership plan which is now only $30, with an average
    of only $10 per month!

    4. Also, don’t
    forget about our one month membership that costs $12.

    Thank you for being a part of the iRacing community.
    We’re glad you chose to race with us and hope you are enjoying your racing

    Every day we are working towards making iRacing better for
    all of us. However, if you have any questions or concers, feel free to drop us
    a note at contact@iracing.com. For
    technical questions, please contact customer support directly at support@iracing.com.

    See you on the track!

    solo per esempio, ho appena ricevuto questa lettera da Iracing
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by giancarlo graziano Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:59 am


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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty iracing sucks

    Post by ..... Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:00 pm

    netkar has raised the bar as far as physics and tire model is concerned. Iracing has great servers and a great organised sim racing league but it's physics are sketchy at best. Iracing's pricing model is insane!! You don't even own the content you just pay to use it!! Crazy.

    $100 per year.
    $12 per car.
    $15 per track.

    Enough said. Smile
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by laurent resende Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:06 pm

    yes you are absolutely right, and Cheers NetKar and Steffano Castillo I am trying to find the iRacing league 663941
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by giancarlo graziano Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:30 pm

    I am trying to find the iRacing league 67322
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by Mark Schilling Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:34 pm

    Down to personal opinion really. I used to race netKar all the time but after subscribing to iRacing I haven't looked back.
    I prefer iRacing but that's just me. iRacing's physics being sketchy??? Mmmm. Gonna have to disagree there. Think they are the best I have seen, in my opinion anyway.
    NetKar's best feature is the tyre model, but iRacing is bringing out a new tyre model after christmas.

    As I said earlier, you get what you pay for. NetKar is great for once off payment of 20 quid and you get free addon tracks + the community is great.
    iRacing is expensive, but you really do get what you pay for.
    Tracks and car quality is second to none. Netcode and physics are great. Servers are solid. Whole experience is very well structured.
    Also the cleanest racing you will find. No demolition derby assholes messing everything up.
    For someone who only wants a quick pickup and play though it might be too much money to spend.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    I am trying to find the iRacing league Empty Re: I am trying to find the iRacing league

    Post by laurent resende Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:51 pm

    French:en ce qui me concerne payer l'abonnement de IRacing ne me dérange pécunièrement en rien,il sera toujours beaucoup moins cher que la quantité de tabac, de bon vins Français, d' entretien de mes voitures,que je dépense tout les mois !!!pour IRacing je ne critique pas ,j'informe !
    Mais tout le monde n'à pas les moyens de se payer un abonnement,et de résider dans la zone Euro et il n'y a pas de raisons que ceux dont les finances sont restreintes ne puissent pas gouter aux joies et au plaisir de ce que peut procurer un super simulateur tel que Iracing,NetKar lui le permet, de plus les liens sociaux, et les contacts sont beaucoup plus rigides et difficiles à se créer sur IRacing.English;in my case pay the subscription PECUNIARY iRacing does not bother me in any way, it will still much less than the amount of tobacco, good French wines, maintenance of my cars, I spend every month! ! for iRacing I'm not criticizing, I advise!
    But everybody can not afford to pay a subscription, and reside in the euro zone and there is no reason why those whose finances are limited can not taste the joys and pleasure of this that can provide a great simulator such as iRacing, NetKar it allows, more social ties and contacts are much more rigid and difficult to create on iRacing.

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