Radiator Springs Racing

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Marcello Gabrielli
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Andrea Lojelo
16 posters

    3 March 2011: Aviano

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:40 pm

    Welcome to the first event of the Osella Series.

    We will be racing in the wonderful Aviano Track.

    Weather will be based on the real conditions on the racing day

    Here is the schedule:
    21:00 (GTM+1) Briefing in our Chat
    Qualification: 15 minutes. allowed 9 laps maximum including in and out laps.
    Warmup: 3 min
    Race 1: 7 laps
    Warmup: 3 min
    Race 2: 21 laps

    In case of rain Race 2 will be of 14 laps.
    Races will be in Full Mode.

    Drivers need to be registered to the championship and need to place their allocation for the race.

    Please help us organizing the event properly allocating for the race in advance, and changing it in case you can't race anymore.

    For this first two events, in case of multiple groups, we will use the same point distribution for all groups.
    This will allow to create from the 3rd event on, groups based on the real skills of the drivers, and will allow anyone to have a fair chance to get good points on the first 2 events.
    check here the entry list for the race

    3 March 2011: Aviano Osellac1aviano

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:16 am; edited 2 times in total
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:47 am


    Benvenuti al primo evento dell'Osella Series.

    Gareggeremo nel fantastico circuito di Aviano.

    Il meteo sara' basato sulle reali condizioni ad Aviano nel giorno di gara.

    Questo e' il programma della serata:
    21:00 Briefing nella nostra Chat
    Qualifica: 15 minuti. Saranno concessi al massimo 9 giri inclusi i giri per entrare ed uscire dai box.
    Warmup: 3 min
    Gara 1: 7 giro
    Warmup: 3 min
    Gara 2: 21 laps

    Nel caso di pioggia Gara 2 sara' ridotta a 14 giri.
    L'evento sara' disputato in Full Mode.

    I piloti devono essere iscritti al campionato e devono allocarsi per la gara

    Per favore aiutateci ad organizzare l'evento in maniera opportuna, allocandovi per la gara in anticipo e aggiornando il vostro status nel caso in cui non vi fosse piu' possible gareggiare.

    Per i primi due eventi, in caso di di gruppi multipli, verra' utilizzata la stessa distribizione di punti per tutti i gruppi.
    Questo consentira' di creare, a partire dal terzo evento, gruppi basati sulle capacita' dei piloti, mentre dara' a tutti la possibilita' di conquistare punti preziosi nei primi due eventi.

    Qui potrete controllare l'entry list per la gara.
    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Luca Mosca Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:08 pm

    Andre, ma io che non faccio parte di nessum team....qualcuno mi adotta???? cheers

    Oppure che faccio...tanto di farmi un team mio non mi interessa... 3 March 2011: Aviano 985276
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:13 pm

    puoi usare il team di default Radiators-champ, oppure vedere se qualcuno vuole fare squadra con te. Sei un pilota forte e corretto.
    In RSR siamo gia' al completo!
    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Luca Mosca Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:05 pm

    Ma dove si vedone le composizioni dei team? Grazie
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:10 pm

    Team & Drivers. You can find it even on the Menu of our website
    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Luca Mosca Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:21 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Team & Drivers. You can find it even on the Menu of our website

    Tnx, sorry for request.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:17 pm

    Those are our guidelines regarding incidents report.
    In case you are involved in a race incident, please chill out for a day before starting any action. Then check the replay and ask the other driver his replay to see if from his prospective the situation was the same.
    Drivers need to sort out problems by them self. In case there is no agreement the Verification Team can help. The Verification Team will actively check only the incident in the red zone.

    To recap:

    - no flames on the forum
    - check the replay and send a PM to the other driver asking for his replay.
    - find an agreement with the other driver and communicate the penalty to the Race Director
    - in case you can't find an agreement, ask the Verification Team to check sending the 2 replays.

    Verification Team:
    - actively check only on the Red Zone
    - check only when drivers can't find an agreement on the accident

    Here one of the most important rule:

    Rule 5 (a.k.a. 5 corners rule): It is important to pay attention especially in the first part of the race, where all cars are close to each other. For this reason, we define per each track the “red zone”, where the 5 corners rule applies. 5 corners is just a convention. For each track the red zone might be extended till a safer zone.
    The responsibility of all drivers is to avoid incidents in the first corners which can have massive consequences and therefore all participants must be careful.
    Starts must be as clean and incident-free as possible. The finish line is not at the first turn. Turn 1 cannot be approached as it happens during the qualification session. The tires are cold, the car is heavy and the track crowded. Drivers must act wisely and drive safely for themselves and for the other participants, for example by:
    o braking earlier than normal
    o maintaining a safe distance from the other cars during the first corners
    o giving enough space to other drivers with some margin for error by other participants

    Any collision from behind will result in the driver behind being considered as the guilty driver, unless the car in front has lost control.
    In case of accident on the “red zone” the Race Director could penalize the drivers directly.

    3 March 2011: Aviano Aviano_full%20GP%20-%20Red%20Zone

    Very important is always to give space to the opponent:

    3 March 2011: Aviano Overtaking_Legal
    M Waechter

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    Location : Germany

    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by M Waechter Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:21 am

    I noticed that the car gets really understeering after two laps (outlap included), so it is only usable for one hotlap.
    Tire temps getting over 110 (front), is that maybe too much or are these 'F1 Pirelli like' tires which are simply worn after two hard driven laps ?
    I never bothered about the tire-temperatur with the KS2, I don't know how to lower them anyway.. (except increasing tire pressure maybe).
    Antonio Lallo

    Posts : 148
    Join date : 2010-10-30

    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Antonio Lallo Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:09 pm

    Luca, che ne dici di fare un team con me? Smile Non mi va di non concorrere in questa classifica, fammi sapere. Ps Andrea, nel caso posso cancellare la mia iscrizione dal team Radiators champ già fatta e iscrivere un nuovo team?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:26 pm

    si puoi farlo dal pannello di controllo
    Vitaliano polito
    Vitaliano polito

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Vitaliano polito Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:19 pm

    Andrea il server non è più sul rank

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by MikaRaymond Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:47 pm

    M Waechter wrote:I noticed that the car gets really understeering after two laps (outlap included), so it is only usable for one hotlap.
    Tire temps getting over 110 (front), is that maybe too much or are these 'F1 Pirelli like' tires which are simply worn after two hard driven laps ?
    I never bothered about the tire-temperatur with the KS2, I don't know how to lower them anyway.. (except increasing tire pressure maybe).

    camber, toe, PSI and ARB are the main weapons of choice for killing such an annoying problem Wink
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Paul O'Brien Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:37 pm

    MikaRaymond wrote:
    M Waechter wrote:I noticed that the car gets really understeering after two laps (outlap included), so it is only usable for one hotlap.
    Tire temps getting over 110 (front), is that maybe too much or are these 'F1 Pirelli like' tires which are simply worn after two hard driven laps ?
    I never bothered about the tire-temperatur with the KS2, I don't know how to lower them anyway.. (except increasing tire pressure maybe).

    camber, toe, PSI and ARB are the main weapons of choice for killing such an annoying problem Wink
    and springs Wink

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by MikaRaymond Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:47 pm

    Paul O'Brien wrote:
    MikaRaymond wrote:
    M Waechter wrote:I noticed that the car gets really understeering after two laps (outlap included), so it is only usable for one hotlap.
    Tire temps getting over 110 (front), is that maybe too much or are these 'F1 Pirelli like' tires which are simply worn after two hard driven laps ?
    I never bothered about the tire-temperatur with the KS2, I don't know how to lower them anyway.. (except increasing tire pressure maybe).

    camber, toe, PSI and ARB are the main weapons of choice for killing such an annoying problem Wink
    and springs Wink

    yeah. i could go on to say springs, downforce, driving style etc but i think the ones directly linking to overheating problems are ^. i was able to cure Suzuka's horrible front tyre wear using those methods (my springs stayed the same).

    on the subject of springs though, higher stiffness helps with longetivity but has less grip. compromise and balance Wink
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
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    Location : Germany

    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by M Waechter Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:23 pm

    thx.., I did already some about the chamber to get temperatures more balanced, but they are still high. This evening I'll try to test different front ARB to see if it makes a difference.
    But probably it might also be based on the simple fact that the tires of the Osella car losing much grip after a very short time, not sure if it is just because of the temperatures yet.. .
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:47 pm

    guys don't forget your allocation for the race please.
    George Stergioulas

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by George Stergioulas Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:19 pm

    LOL it says light snow forecast for tomorrow, what are we going to race with? Santa's sledge? Last time I checked there was no snow in nKPro, so what are we expecting? Heavy rain? Or cancel the race? Rain isn't quite the same as snow though...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:08 pm

    Snow? santa I knew Kunos forgot something! Razz

    In case of light snow, we will race with light rain. It usually never stick to the ground unless it snow all the day!
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
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    Location : Germany

    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by M Waechter Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:07 am

    MikaRaymond wrote:
    Paul O'Brien wrote:
    MikaRaymond wrote:
    M Waechter wrote:I noticed that the car gets really understeering after two laps (outlap included), so it is only usable for one hotlap.
    Tire temps getting over 110 (front), is that maybe too much or are these 'F1 Pirelli like' tires which are simply worn after two hard driven laps ?
    I never bothered about the tire-temperatur with the KS2, I don't know how to lower them anyway.. (except increasing tire pressure maybe).

    camber, toe, PSI and ARB are the main weapons of choice for killing such an annoying problem Wink
    and springs Wink

    yeah. i could go on to say springs, downforce, driving style etc but i think the ones directly linking to overheating problems are ^. i was able to cure Suzuka's horrible front tyre wear using those methods (my springs stayed the same).

    on the subject of springs though, higher stiffness helps with longetivity but has less grip. compromise and balance Wink

    'update': well, tire temps can still get sky high up to 170°C (right-front tire) in worst case on this track because of the fast left-handers.., but stiffer springs helped slightly + increasing the differential settings a bit to aviod too much annoying understeer in the fast corners Smile .
    Roberto Zanerini

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Roberto Zanerini Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:00 pm

    Scusa Andrea, Chat alle 21; ma la partenza delle prove alle 21,30? Gara alle 22,00?
    Scusa ma ho i tempi calcolati.

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by mmoro Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:03 pm

    stessa cosa per me. sapere gli orari esatti o piu o meno approssimati sarebbe molto utile.
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Sergio Marques Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:16 pm

    Is there a minimum of driver's to the group C have a race? Because with only 3 or 4 it wont be much fun.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:06 pm

    We will split drivers in homogeneous groups. This even because all groups will use the same point distribution.

    In any case, please allocate for the race on time. This will allow us to speed things up
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:07 pm

    chat meeting at 21:00. Everything else will follow. Impossible to say the exact time.

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    3 March 2011: Aviano Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

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