Radiator Springs Racing

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marco boni
Attilio Barba
Paul O'Brien
M Waechter
giancarlo graziano
Fabio Grippa
Antonio Lallo
Luca Mosca
Francesco Meola
Andrea Lojelo
16 posters

    17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:29 pm

    17 March 2011: Bahrain Bharaingp

    As you all know, Bahrain F1 GP has been canceled. Since our league is following the F1 Championship, we decided to remove the official race from our league also.
    Thursday we will race there anyway, but with an unofficial event. No points will be assigned, but we will use the results of this race to determine the groups for the first official race.
    Drivers that will not take part to this race will be distributed in the groups randomly.

    Races will be in Full mode.

    Here is the schedule for the event:

    21:00 GTM+1 Briefing in our CHAT

    WARMUP: 5 min
    RACE: 10 Laps


    WARMUP: 5 min
    RACE: 20 Laps

    For this race, groups are based on the result of the previous season.
    As usual allocation time will give priority for drivers that didn't ever race with us.
    Please allocate as soon as possible and remove your allocation in case you will not race anymore.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:38 pm

    You will find online 2 servers with Bahrain KS2:
    Radiators-TIMING: with live timing in SUNNY configuration

    Radiators-champ.com server: without live timing and RAIN.

    Have fun!
    Francesco Meola

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2011-01-06

    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Francesco Meola Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:45 am

    Purtroppo causa lavoro non sono più libero il giovedì sera, quindi sono costretto a uscire da questo campionato prima ancora di iniziare, saluto gli organizzatori e tutti i ragazzi che ho conosciuto e con cui mi sono divertito un sacco la scorsa stagione. Ciao a tutti, appuntamento al prossimo campionato!!!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:34 am

    che peccato. mi dispiace Francesco. Ci vediamo al prossimo campionato.
    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Luca Mosca Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:08 pm

    Andrea, sul sito non vengono registrati tutti i tempi....

    Se ti ricordi ieri eravamo insieme a gareggiare, ma come puoi vedere ho registrato un un 51 che è molto diverso dai tempi fatti ieri .... (per la cronaca, ieri, abbiamo girato intorno al 37 )

    Mi sai dire perchè nessuno dei miei tempi sono registrati???

    Anzi, ad un certo punto mi era sembrato di vedere sul sito un 38 basso....poi sono tornato a 51 !!!!! What a Face
    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Luca Mosca Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:10 pm

    ...mi sono accorto che per esempio Fulvio adesso ha come best: 2:18:855 lol!
    Antonio Lallo

    Posts : 148
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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Antonio Lallo Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:14 pm

    Mi dispiace molto non poter partecipare stasera, causa vendita della mia 5770. Sad Comunque, meglio ora, la settimana prossima dovrei essere nuovamente in pista Very Happy , divertitevi ragazzi. Ps Auguri al buon Fabio che ieri compiva gli anni, festeggia con stile stasera! lol!
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Fabio Grippa Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:41 pm

    Thanks Antonio, terro' alto il nome del nostro team...poi visto che compivo gli anni come regalo magari mi faranno passare tutti :-)
    Ma che cos'è la 5770? Non puoi usare il pc vecchio (puo' ancora dire la sua...)?

    Luca, anche io non ho i tempi registrati (2.40...), qualche cosa non va nel rank credo....

    Ci vediamo in pista stasera....
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:12 pm

    Auguri Fabio!!!!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:30 pm

    Please check this small guide on the Full Mode
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:35 am

    Replay Race 1 Group A
    Replay Race 2 Group A

    Last edited by Andrea Lojelo on Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:35 am

    event 1 - rain
    pole position in qualifying and won the race from the front. very happy Very Happy qualifying was a bit scary as i only set my lap on my 3rd attempt as i managed to run out of fuel (somehow Very Happy) nevertheless im happy i got put on the front row Very Happy in the race it was very tight between paul and i for the first half. he could have attempted to throw one down the inside but hes sensible and loves me too much Very Happy managed to pull away in the 2nd half and win the race only -6.5s faster than paul! well done made, you did well Wink

    race 2 - dry
    managed to make 1.35.0 which put me in p2 behind gek. this was only 0.1s off my PB so i was pretty happy.

    heading into t1 gek managed to outbrake himself so i sent one up the inside and managed to pass. i think i saw paul do the same too. from lap 10 onwards gek managed to gain some time and we were neck and neck for lap 10-18. excellent fighting and it was so difficult to defend. i was hoping to bring the car home on pole but on lap 18, disaster. we were both side-by-side going flat out into the 2nd to last corner. i stood on the brakes and he must have outbraked himself again and hit me in the back, putting me in the pits and giving me a DNF. nonetheless great battle Smile
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:53 am

    the first wet race was fantastic.!!!!!..hope come more rain in a RSr trackS....
    ...................................second race..........seedness... Crying or Very sad ...5 position...and...
    17 March 2011: Bahrain Nkscrformulaks2bahrain0

    Great races... thank s to all...!!! ............we are waiting for a Goood SfuFF!!!!!!see you next Wink
    M Waechter

    Posts : 755
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    Location : Germany

    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by M Waechter Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:06 am

    I did not tested much this time to find better setups, especially my wet setup was a bit bad I think.. but nevertheless I was surprised how fast guys were in the wet conditions.
    I did a very bad laptime in the qual of race1, because I used mid downforce in first attempt and later on second attempt I crashed with this 'Poller' in the inside of that slow (1st gear) left turn and my wheel was 65 degrees to the left afterwards Laughing , did not know until then that this one is a solid obsticle.
    Would be cool if someone of them can PM me a setup of their wet (and maybe also dry) set ?, to test if it was only because of my setup or if I was just too slow in rain.

    But races were a bit of fun anyway, had some fun driving and catching the car there in second race.
    In race 2 I spun after the start in the first corner, as I drove out of the track to leave much space for the cars and so I lost a lot (up to 25sec.) time there in first lap,
    later some usual mistakes (2-3 spins) cost me some time also.

    uploaded my groupA replayfiles also (races in separate files) here:

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:19 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 873
    Join date : 2010-08-03

    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by f.gek Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:13 am

    Una qualifica buona , ma non sufficiente per stare davanti a mika e paul che sono davvero velocissimi.
    In gara qualche errore nel tentativo di rimontare, e bellissime battaglie con tutti.
    Finale 6 ma molto contento e con molto divertimento
    In qualifica trovo il giro buono e faccio il mio pb 1.34.4
    In partenza, mika è come al solito velocissimo e mi passa all'interno, lascio spazio anche a paul e mi metto su un buon passo. dopo un po di giri riesco a passare paul e mi metto all'inseguimento di mika. Riesco piu volte ad avvicinarmi ma non riesco a superarlo per diversi giri , poi a due giri dalla fine , lo affianco sul rettilineo prima dell'ultima curva , mika all'ultimo momento si sposta all'interno , e io allungo la frenata per tentare l'incrocio, ma lui si sposta a sinistra mettendosi davanti alla mia linea di frenata e lo colpisco. Nulla di male , la mia macchina è vecchia e un graffio in piu non gli fa nulla, vinco anche se avrei preferito finire la battaglia fino all'ultimo giro.
    A good qualification, but not enough to stay ahead of mika and paul are really fast.
    In the race a few mistakes in an attempt to reassemble, and beautiful battles with everyone.
    Final 6 but very happy and very fun

    I find a good lap in qualifying and I do my pb 1.34.4
    At the start, Mika, as usual, very fast and I go inside, leave space to paul and I also put up a good pace. after a bit of speed I can go and I start chasing paul mika. Sometimes I can get close but I can not pass for several laps, then two laps to go, right beside him on the straight before the final turn, mika at the last minute moves inside, and I reach for the brake groped the 'cross, but he moves to the left putting in front of my brake lines and struck him. Nothing bad, my car is old and not a scratch in more than nothing, even if I win I would have preferred to finish the battle until the last lap.
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Paul O'Brien Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:15 am


    Great race for me qualified p2, had a decent start but ran slightly wide (sorry Gek wasn't intentional Smile) at T1 was able to hang on to Mika for the first few laps but then I was overdriving the car which made me drop back. P2 finish for me. Great result Very Happy

    I had a bit too much downforce on my dry setup which basically meant I could not compete with Mika and Gek. I had a mediocre race . It started great with a p4 qualifying position I managed to take p2 after t1 but there was a menacing Gek behind me who was much faster than me behind and I was trying to keep up with Mika unsuccessfully, I decided that to avoid an incident since Gek was so much faster I let him through, then Gek spun at T8 so I retook p2. Eventually Gek came up behind me and on the straight it was like I was driving a bus compared to Gek Very Happy , he sailed by me easy, was pretty boring for me after that usually I am fighting with Mario but sadly he didnt race tonight then I spun the car about 3/4 way into the race again due to overdriving the car(again) and decided to settle for P3 but then on lap 18 I see Mika in the sand on the final turn and I ended up p2.

    So all in all very good result for me Smile
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:40 am

    Results are up
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:57 am

    I'm really please for yesterday races. Excellent drivers on track in group A. Everyone very careful and respectful. Well done guys.

    Rain: very good race for me. I had a good qualification that was worthed the 5th place. Wonderful race with Franky and Gek, battling with both of them for all the race. For sure Gek was slightly faster than me, but I managed somehow to keep him behind. 4th at the end.
    Great fun

    Sun: decent qualification, although my times were ages away from the aliens in front.
    The race started once more with a nice battle with Franky. After a while I started to do mistakes, and loosing positions, concentration.
    Great fun with Marco, unfortunately finished with me hitting him from the back. Sorry for that Marco.
    at -1 lap and very tired I decided to pull over to the box and enjoy the wonderful battle between Mika and Gek. I had great fun to look at their battle. A lot of laps few meters one from the other, with hard battle at every corner. I hope someone will produce a nice video about it.
    Well done guys.

    Overall, great fun. Looking forward for the start of the championship.
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Attilio Barba Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:10 pm

    purtroppo come al solito ci sono i soliti prepotenti
    che oltre a venirti addosso
    non rispettano le regole
    Ursulu o come cacchio si chiama e Dmitrij hanno continuato a entrare e uscire e a non rispettare sty pit

    anche Atisckov entrato e uscito diverse volte, cmq dai log sul server mi sembra che si possa controllare

    unfortunately as usual there are the usual bullies
    that in addition to collect you on
    not respect the rules
    Ursulu or how the hell you call and Dmitry have continued to come and go and not meet sty pit

    Atisckov also entered and left several times, cmq logs on the server it seems to me you can check
    marco boni
    marco boni

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by marco boni Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:15 pm

    ciao raga,ieri sera come piazzamenti e meglio lasciare perdere,pero mi sono divertito molto,nella prima sotto la pioggia,dire che il setup che ho fatto faceva pena, e farli un complimento,poi mi suonano alla porta e li ho mollato e ho schiacciato esc,piazzamento non pervenuto.
    nella seconda non potevo mantenere il passo degli alieni,ma ho fatto una bella battaglia con andrea,che e valsa tutta la gara,bellissima,poi andre mi a tamponato involontariamente,e sono uscito
    comunque tutti attenti e rispettosi degli altri,ottima serata
    ciao a tutti

    non lo traduco con google,che e meglio
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:10 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:
    . I hope someone will produce a nice video about it.
    ...working in progress. Doc....
    great stuff yesterday Very Happy
    Marco Dugan
    Marco Dugan

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Marco Dugan Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:46 pm

    Ciao, scusate per l'assenza di ieri sera, ma ho avuto improrogabili impegni di lavoro.
    Peccato aver perso la prima gara, ma ci vediamo la prossima.
    Ciao a tutti. Very Happy
    Salvatore Carollo

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Salvatore Carollo Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:49 pm

    Attilio Barba wrote:purtroppo come al solito ci sono i soliti prepotenti
    che oltre a venirti addosso
    non rispettano le regole
    Ursulu o come cacchio si chiama e Dmitrij hanno continuato a entrare e uscire e a non rispettare sty pit

    anche Atisckov entrato e uscito diverse volte, cmq dai log sul server mi sembra che si possa controllare

    unfortunately as usual there are the usual bullies
    that in addition to collect you on
    not respect the rules
    Ursulu or how the hell you call and Dmitry have continued to come and go and not meet sty pit

    Atisckov also entered and left several times, cmq logs on the server it seems to me you can check

    SI è vero, purtroppo la presenza di alcuni piloti scorrettissimi ha rovinato le gare del gruppo B; è anche vero che se riuscivo a fare dei tempi decenti in qualifica magari partivo in prima fila ed evitavo le bagarre(si scrive così?)...ma comunque l'importante da parte mia è stato esserci e fare un po' di esperienza Smile. Perfetti i piloti italiani tra cui ricordo BArba, R Campesino e Taradash....con loro ci si potrà sicuramente divertire in seguito Smile
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:45 am

    Bharain rain and dry.....
    first race....fist challenge...not official but............ soo Amazing..
    there @ little tribute 4 the great driving night ...
    thanks to all drivers
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

    Post by Paul O'Brien Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:56 pm

    Nice Video as always Giancarlo Wink 17 March 2011: Bahrain 361709

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    17 March 2011: Bahrain Empty Re: 17 March 2011: Bahrain

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