Radiator Springs Racing

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Online Sim Racing netKar PRO

Marcello Gabrielli
Sergio Marques
Roberto Zanerini
George Stergioulas
Paul O'Brien
Vitaliano polito
Antonio Lallo
M Waechter
Luca Mosca
Andrea Lojelo
16 posters

    3 March 2011: Aviano

    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:55 am

    replay group A...

    yes Andrea Wd really fast ...I see the repaly and youafter 2 pit, ....and vito after 1pit is not enymore on the banner whit lap and time ..Really weird! don t count you a lap....strange

    Ps I have a lag on the end of the 7 lap race 1... the car in front of me , marcello .roolll .troolle ... and rolling.., is full visible on the raplay I post..Really weird too........................

    wd M 3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 413943 ate !
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Sergio Marques Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:57 am

    For my first race in a RSR championship and also the first in full mode, I liked it, even if I spin in qualify and someone crash in to me and the repairs took too long for the remaining time.
    First race went very well, trying to don’t make mistakes and I manage to finish in 8th, with every one seem to be careful.
    The second one was also going very good until I made a small touch in the wall when I was going to the pit and it would take 4 min to repair the car, my race ended there.
    Thanks RSR for the great organization and all who join.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:20 am

    George Stergioulas wrote:One thing: worst league race EVER in EVERY sim I have raced for the past 5 years...
    NO ONE in the servers as admin to tell us when to race, when to warmup, I thought the first 7 lap race was actually warmup and then there would be race, a turkish guy thought it was funny to target practice on me in the second race and should be banned for 3 lives and in the qualy I screwed up myself and had 25 minutes repair losing all quals...
    And even then, I came 3rd in the grid without even qualifying... With a joke time of 1,25,8... Are you serious people? Have you even tried ONE lap before joining the race? This whole thing is a joke, I'm sorry but if it stays like this in the second race I withdraw... Evil or Very Mad I expected much better level from people in nkPro...

    Dear George, I'm really sorry to read such a comment. I can understand your disappointment, but there are better way to ask for clarifications.

    We never had administrators in the servers, just because you don't need any. servers are pre-configured, so you can join and have your race.

    This is your first championship race in nK, I guess, but we and all other main nk championships run server this way for a long time and no one had any problem so far.

    We had a briefing to clarify our rules and reply to your doubts, but once we are in the server everyone should know what to do.

    At the end it's not so difficult. Sessions indicate if you are in STAY IN PIT, QUALIFICATION, RACE 1 o RACE2.
    Then you have the waiting time of 3 minutes, just as explained in the briefing and forum.

    As you can see from the record on this track (based on tonight only), there are quite a lot of good drivers in the championship.
    Obviously in the first rounds groups are quite dis-homogeneous, but after few races you will race with drivers of your skill.
    The championship is open to everyone, and everyone is more than welcome if he races respecting other people.

    About the Turkish guy, as you define him, please stick to our rules

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Those are our guidelines regarding incidents report.
    In case you are involved in a race incident, please chill out for a day before starting any action. Then check the replay and ask the other driver his replay to see if from his prospective the situation was the same.
    Drivers need to sort out problems by them self. In case there is no agreement the Verification Team can help. The Verification Team will actively check only the incident in the red zone.

    To recap:

    - no flames on the forum
    - check the replay and send a PM to the other driver asking for his replay.
    - find an agreement with the other driver and communicate the penalty to the Race Director
    - in case you can't find an agreement, ask the Verification Team to check sending the 2 replays.

    Verification Team:
    - actively check only on the Red Zone
    - check only when drivers can't find an agreement on the accident

    I'm sorry instead for the strange organization of the groups. We usually have an automated entry list based on allocations, but tonight we had around 10 people joining the championship in the last hour, others were not allocated, so wasn't easy to organize it in a better way.
    On the top of that, I'm currently extremely busy at work starting early in the morning and finishing very late so I've no time anymore to organize things as I wanted. The team is helping me a lot, but still there is no time handle exceptions also.

    I hope for the next races that people will try to help allocating on time.
    You can easily understand that we need to plan servers in advance and we can't create everything at the very last moment.
    Sergio Marques
    Sergio Marques

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Sergio Marques Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:08 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:
    At the end it's not so difficult. Sessions indicate if you are in STAY IN PIT, QUALIFICATION, RACE 1 o RACE2.
    Then you have the waiting time of 3 minutes, just as explained in the briefing and forum.

    For me was the first race here and it was very easy to follow things, no trouble at all.
    Karthik Pai

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Karthik Pai Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:54 pm

    I raced on the open RC server at a rainy Aviano yday.. Great fun... Gentlemanly racing most of the times...
    I only hope that if everyone were more circumspect at C1, 90% OF CRASHES COULD BE AVOIDED...

    I had great fun, takin C1 at snail's pace, avoidin everyone, and taking guys one by one, having fun with one on one chases... That is my only concern... If everyone has patience thru C1, we have a great time on our hands..

    Cya on track guys... Race fair :-)

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:01 pm

    well after deciding to join the champ only 1h before the race, only having 20 minutes practise and using the default set, i think i did quite okay Very Happy

    the front runners on group C had a blast Very Happy some very close fighting in both races with no real problems. not too sure about the people ats the back though as one guy kept screaming shit and others kept rejoining. i also have to agree with George - there was nobody on the server giving instructions and i can imagine its very confusing, especially on your first event.

    i qualified in p4 with 1.25.5 which was a lifetime off pole position but i wasnt too "upset" about it because i had no training. george - whats wrong with 1.25's? Very Happy

    id never done a launch off the line before so i was suprised to see myself take 2 positions before t1. i followed closely behind stevernik with Seghieri behind me. we were really close to each other for about 5 laps when my tyres started overheating, so when i tried taking t1 at speed i didnt even attempt it, so decided to go straight over the chicane. this cost me p2 but becoming airbourne was quite fun Very Happy finished p3.

    race 2 was also a very close battle between us 3. i started p3 and again, took 1 guy into t1. not much happened until the first pitstops. i decided to run 1 lap longer than everyone else to try to close the distance to p1. unfortunately i overshot the pitbox and came out with stevernik and serghieri battling hard. i was now in p3 so decided to push hard and managed to overtake serghieri in the 2nd pitstop. i was now in p2 with only 4 laps remaining and steverink had shot off so decided to bring the car home.

    i really enjoyed it for a change. normally im sweating and trying so hard to beat gek or vanore in the ks2 but it was really quite fun Very Happy so much so ive decided to enter RR and myself in both osella and ks2 champs.

    i also have some news about a guy joining me soon Smile

    cya in a weeeeeeeek or so Very Happy
    Antonio Lallo

    Posts : 148
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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Antonio Lallo Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:10 pm

    Scrivo in italiano per spiegare meglio cosa è successo in gruppo B. Razz In qualifica ho visto molti piloti disorientati e fermi ai box, probabilmente hanno sbattuto o eventi simili, probabilmente l'esperienza nulla in full mode gli ha giocato un brutto tiro. Per quanto mi riguarda, nei giorni precedenti non ho provato per niente quindi per forza di cose faccio il mio PB in qualifica, un onesto 25 5 che mi vale la 2 posizione. Arrivati al warm up, nessuno sapeva che si usava per scaldare le gomme, cerco di spiegarmi in un timidissimo inglese, ma evidentemente erano tutti tesi e non rischiano di premere go to box...quindi la partenza pare abbia avuto alcuni disastri a causa delle gomme fredde nella parte alta dello schieramento. Suspect I primi 3 partiamo comunque lisci, ma alla prima curva in discesa da fare in terza il secondo (non so chi fosse) tampona l'incolpevole Laugneau...probabilmente (l'idea che mi son fatto) dovuto a troppa vicinanza ed alle dimensioni sbagliate del rettangolo blu che rileva le collisioni, mi è capitato in una gara di allenamento con Graziano. Eliminati i primi due sono al comando e amministro solamente fino al traguardo.
    In gara 2 qualcuno mi capisce che deve scaldare le gomme, quindi la partenza va meglio. Lagneau parte benissimo e va in testa, non tengo benissimo il suo passo, ma mi mantengo comunque non lontanissimo, fino al 1 pitstop che faccio un giro prima di lui. Un appunto, scopro solo durante la gara che con 12 litri non si faceva un solo stop, allora cerco di farmi due conti durante la gara, con gentile apporto calcolatorio della mia ragazza, per capire quanta benzina mettere per fare l'altro stop, opto per fare due stint da 6 giri con 8 litri. Alla fine del 1 pit quindi son 2 ma più attaccato al 1mo, cerco di tirare per stargli vicino fino all'altro pitstop. Dopo l'ultimo pit cerco di tirare con le gomme nuove, insomma na strategia alla Schumacher dei bei tempi, quando all'ultimo giro vedo Cedric ai box e lo sfilo, capisco che ha funzionato! Very Happy Davvero bello vincere così, come in F1, direi cosa che non capita senza pit. In conclusione al mio lungo intervento, dico solo che l'Osella pare un pò sottovalutata rispetto alla Ks2, ma le gare che ne vengon fuori, a mio parere, paiono essere più divertenti, davvero contento di aver deciso di partecipare! Alla prossima! PS il mio gruppo era davvero pieno di gente inesperta, ma volenterosa, son stati corretti in ogni modo, miglioreranno con un pò di esperienza.
    Luca Mosca
    Luca Mosca

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Luca Mosca Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:29 pm

    Well done all!!!

    In italiano mi vinene meglio:
    Io non ho mai cambiato gomme in gara per paura di perdere troppo tempo durante il rifornimento....
    Ma mi sembra di capire che avrei potuto farlo senza problemi...

    Qualcuno mi delucida?



    PS: poi racconto la mia spero in inglese...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:51 pm

    nessun problema a cambiare le gomme. viene fatto senza perdita di tempo (solo qualche click in piu' per te)
    Glenn English

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Glenn English Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:05 pm

    @ M Waechter, (Marcus, Martin, Michael ?????)
    Big apologies, I thought that it was Delega that I hit in the first race but it must have been you. I'm afraid I'd been using the marker boards to guage my braking point, but my vision was obscured by your (and Delega's?) car. Completely my fault. To cap it all, I've just realised that I should have been in the 'B' grid and not in yor race at all Shocked ( This was my first event with RSR, and, in fact my first 'proper' event in NKpro - all my experience is with GPL, and I'm crap at it too............)
    As for our little incident during quali, - after our contact I toured back to the pits only to discover that my car wasn't actually damaged at all (strangely) so no repair time was required.

    Now, do I need to serve some kind of penalty for the smash-up in the first race ??


    M Waechter

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by M Waechter Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:31 am

    Glenn English wrote:@ M Waechter, (Marcus, Martin, Michael ?????)
    Big apologies, I thought that it was Delega that I hit in the first race but it must have been you. I'm afraid I'd been using the marker boards to guage my braking point, but my vision was obscured by your (and Delega's?) car. Completely my fault. To cap it all, I've just realised that I should have been in the 'B' grid and not in yor race at all Shocked ( This was my first event with RSR, and, in fact my first 'proper' event in NKpro - all my experience is with GPL, and I'm crap at it too............)
    As for our little incident during quali, - after our contact I toured back to the pits only to discover that my car wasn't actually damaged at all (strangely) so no repair time was required.

    Now, do I need to serve some kind of penalty for the smash-up in the first race ??



    Thx for reply ! Strange that your car wasn't damaged, your rear should have had some damage normally.., maybe I hit you just quite clean into the rear onto a point where the car is not very sensible to damage Very Happy .
    I do not bother still that much about the guy who missed to brake towards the last corner and hit me in race1, such mistakes -if done only once- can happen, especially when it has been your very first race in NKPro.
    Edit: I watched the replay again and it was Delega's fault not yours, because he braked 40m too early (as he said/regret already in the race-chat after the race: "messing up the brake point") and because of this you crashed into him and his car hit even mine in front of you two. -general note btw.: The multiple crash behaviour, which is there since v1.3, seem not to be gone completely, because my car flys 80m into the air like it had been hit from a rocket Laughing .
    I think you were fast enough even for group A, your laptimes were quite good.
    M Waechter

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by M Waechter Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:57 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:I tried to press go to box (I was stop on the pit), and there finally I managed to start up the engine again. I got no penalty of time, but I lost maybe 10-15 seconds (and 1-2 years of my life Smile ).
    I got back on track, and both Vito and Oliver were in front of me.
    I slowly got closer, but then they collided, so I overtook them.
    At the end of the race, I expected to be 3rd, but nk show me at -1 lap. Really weird! Clearly a bug due to my strange pitstop.

    I thought about your issue a few minutes ago and found out that it was a normal procedure that you were -1 lap behind after pressing ESC (no matter if you were still in the box :\ ),
    because once you press ESC in your 'inlap' / the last part of the lap does not count anymore then !
    Otherwise it would be possible to cut laps in NKPro (especially in no full mode) when pressing ESC for example in the middle of a lap to return/beam to the pits near to the finish line and cut half of the begun lap this way... .

    Can you imagine what I mean ? So, that you were -1 lap behind is not a 'bug', -the inlap / your last lap simply was not count, this happens everytime once ESC to pits was pressed to avoid cheating.

    But the thing that your inputs were not reacting anymore was a bug of course.., I have this issue too sometimes even when just starting a new free-practice session that my inputs does not work from the begining on when standing in the box.., but when I Exit and load the session again in the same way as before it works again -strange issue.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:52 pm

    Hall of Fame updated with 2 nice surprices:

    2nd Radiators Springs Racing Hall of Fame Cup for Mika Raymond, granted after 20 Trophies ::smilep:: ::smilep::

    1st Radiators Springs Racing Hall of Fame Cup for Antonio Lallo, granted after 10 Trophies ::smilep::

    Really well done guys!
    Antonio Lallo

    Posts : 148
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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by Antonio Lallo Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:46 pm

    Wow, thanks for the unespected trophy! 3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 413943 Grats also to Mika, you are too much far from me! 3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 361709 See you on the track guys, I'm happy to be part of this elite's groups! cheers
    mario gilles
    mario gilles

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by mario gilles Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:22 pm

    Well Done guys cheers cheers

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

    Post by MikaRaymond Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:48 pm

    first of all.. id like to say thankyou to mum and dad (HI MUM!). i love you all very much back at home. hello to my sister too. she has been my main inspiration because it made me carry on in races when she came in screaming her head off! anyway that doesnt matter, id like to dedicate this trophy to myself (obviously!) after all the hard work me and myself and my team (of myself) have done. congratulations me!

    thanks to ALL THE FANS! Xoxxo

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    3 March 2011: Aviano - Page 3 Empty Re: 3 March 2011: Aviano

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