Radiator Springs Racing

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giancarlo graziano
davide zardin
M Waechter
Andrea Lojelo
9 posters

    26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue May 24, 2011 4:30 pm

    26 May 2011: Barcelona 6barcelona
    Fifth official race of the KS2 Series: Barcelona

    Here is the schedule:
    21:00 (GTM+1) Briefing in our Chat
    Qualification: 20 minutes. No restriction on the amount of laps
    Warmup: 5 min (waiting time before the race session)
    Race 1: 44 laps

    Full Mode will NOT be used.

    To avoid some more problem we will not use Full Mode for this race.
    You will be allowed to do whatever you want. In case of damage on your car you can press ESC, fix it and continue, even during the race.

    We expect anyone to drive carefully anyway, avoiding problems.

    We will be using the latest version of the track.

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by MikaRaymond Tue May 24, 2011 5:26 pm

    seeming as we havent had any CTD's since using full mode, maybe we can try using real weather or not?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue May 24, 2011 5:38 pm

    I wouldn't take risks until the new nk version is out. In any case sun is forecast for Thursday, so wouldn't change much.
    M Waechter

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by M Waechter Wed May 25, 2011 4:02 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:We will be using the latest version of the track.

    Unfortunately the download link in this linked posting does not work anymore.. .
    Just want to make sure that everyone uses the same track, because the earlier versions of Albert's Barcelona track do not have several obsticles that the newer ones have.. .

    So to name the specific version directly.. :
    Will it be v1.6 ? That is the newest one available just since a few days, it can be downloaded at Albert's track-page.. .
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed May 25, 2011 8:52 am

    The v1.6 is the version to use.
    Marius, can you please upload once more the barcelona with cd-check? That link is expired.

    The link for the v1.6 update is still working.. I think in this phase everyone has already the track installed, so just the update is needed.

    It's very important that everyone has the latest version. The previous had some issues.
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by davide zardin Thu May 26, 2011 12:10 pm

    guardanodo il gp di barcellona ho sentito che forse viene recuperata la gara del bahrain che cosa pensate di fare visto che nel nostro campionato e stata corsa come gara non ufficiale?
    da dire che la cosa a quanto ne so non è ufficiale, ma che venga recuperata al posto di suzuka in giappone...
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu May 26, 2011 6:32 pm

    seguiremo gli sviluppi e di conseguenza.. la nst ks2 corre dietro la f1.....wen is Very Happy confirm??? we confirm.
    Oleg Atiskov

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by Oleg Atiskov Thu May 26, 2011 6:39 pm

    im sorry, but what Monaco track we will use? New monaco track will be finished and when we can download it?
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu May 26, 2011 6:42 pm

    Gary said we will have a preview of his new Monaco. He will let us know soon I think! the link isn't available yet
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu May 26, 2011 7:17 pm

    26 May 2011: Barcelona 50252_37433127234_8987_n

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by MikaRaymond Thu May 26, 2011 8:11 pm

    good luck to everyone tonight. both sessions will be very close!
    M Waechter

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by M Waechter Thu May 26, 2011 8:48 pm

    I'll set out this event too, although I like this little Barcelona-track quite well.
    But a friend of mine has a few personal problems with his life we want to discuss with him in a 'students-pub' today, so
    I have to cancel the today's event (the third in a row) too.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri May 27, 2011 12:29 am

    Davide mi dispiace molto della toccata...ma hai laggato 2 volte prima del contatto che io non ho accusato... se guardi sono anche sulla tua destra per paura di collisioni fasulle...comunque scusa se ti ho rovinato la gara......
    I soon post a replay...is really lag...
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by giancarlo graziano Fri May 27, 2011 12:54 am

    replay gara Group A
    same l;ink
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by davide zardin Fri May 27, 2011 12:55 am

    caro giancarlo sono assolutamente convinto del lag e non ti accuso di nulla sono contento comunque di aver battagliato con te ancora una volta. anche nel mio replay si nota che c'è un piccolo lag forse nel tuo di più...
    la mia gara comunque si è conclusa in 13 posizione mentre partivo 14.
    sono contento del risultato... unico mio rammarico è che non sono veloce come i partecipanti del gruppo A in qualifica poi in gara il mio setup per un pò reggeva poi le gomme mi hanno lasciato e quindi non potevo competere con gli altri fino alla sosta. bella anche se poco duratura la lotta con Andrea
    perchè mentre cercavo di farmi sotto sono stato centrato un'altra volta ma non so da chi
    per me è tutto risolto ci vediamo a montecarlo dove spero di fare ancora una buona gara

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri May 27, 2011 1:04 am

    very happy about this result Smile

    - Qual
    i was only +0.1s off my PB which was a shame but im thrilled with the time. i was expecting 1.21.5/6.

    - Race
    i had a clean start and didnt manage to pass or get passed into t1. i pushed way too hard early on which caused my tyres to start dying, however i could still keep the gap to gek between +5s. i had 4 laps of terrible grip then 4 laps of good grip. as maarten said - adaptive driving always makes things interesting Wink heading into lap 15 or so, gek pitted but i still had enough fuel to do more laps, so i made sure i put in some decent times - and boy was it worth it. i left the pits -25s in front of p2 and managed to control that gap right to the end. my 2nd stint was perfect - only hitting the 1.24's rarely. as always - great racing from everyone, which was clean and fair

    see you in 7 days time for the monaco gp Wink
    Piers Structures

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by Piers Structures Fri May 27, 2011 7:02 pm

    Could someone with a 1:22-23 time publish the setup on the rank please? It would be instructive to see the differences.
    Paul O'Brien
    Paul O'Brien

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by Paul O'Brien Fri May 27, 2011 7:30 pm

    MikaRaymond wrote:very happy about this result Smile

    - Qual
    i was only +0.1s off my PB which was a shame but im thrilled with the time. i was expecting 1.21.5/6.

    - Race
    i had a clean start and didnt manage to pass or get passed into t1. i pushed way too hard early on which caused my tyres to start dying, however i could still keep the gap to gek between +5s. i had 4 laps of terrible grip then 4 laps of good grip. as maarten said - adaptive driving always makes things interesting Wink heading into lap 15 or so, gek pitted but i still had enough fuel to do more laps, so i made sure i put in some decent times - and boy was it worth it. i left the pits -25s in front of p2 and managed to control that gap right to the end. my 2nd stint was perfect - only hitting the 1.24's rarely. as always - great racing from everyone, which was clean and fair

    see you in 7 days time for the monaco gp Wink
    Well done Mika , my two stop strategy didnt work out too well Very Happy
    Clive Melbourne
    Clive Melbourne

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

    Post by Clive Melbourne Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 pm

    Great race last night, was about 0.4 off my pb in Qul, just couldn't get it together.
    Nice clean start to the race, had some great battles with Maarten, Fabio and Lallo, and some real fun overtaking and repassing into turn 1.
    I also did a 2 stop which didn't really work, but by my calculation after the race, I would have still finished in the same position, if not worse, due to more tyres wear.
    Great fun clean racing, lets see how the walls in Monaco treats me. Laughing

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    26 May 2011: Barcelona Empty Re: 26 May 2011: Barcelona

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