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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:49 pm

    And here a nice hotlap from Luca Sodano, Kunos Simulazioni Sound Designer.
    That's an amazing time. Not easy at all to drive that fast. Well done Luca!

    a small note from Luca
    Luca Sodano wrote:
    Please don't go crazy with fps performances at the bottom of the screen, it's Fraps limited for recording purposes.

    and one from me: on my pc, with an pretty inexpensive NVIDIA GeForce GTX460 (Asus ENGTX460 DirectCU TOP/2DI/768MD5), I'm constantly around 90-100 FPS.
    My personal advice is to spend some time choosing the right options on the graphical panel in AC. You will have a lot of options. Some features are really heavy for your GPU. Some you'll barely notice the difference despite being very heavy for your FPS. Kunos made this on purpose. This engine is ready for the future. Some options will tough for current entry level graphical cards, but it will be not a problem for entry level cards that will be out in few months.
    Just find the best balance with what you have now.
    On my pc I'm really happy with what I see on the screen, actually my first reaction was more or less like this ::ehhh::, without having any problem in FPS.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by laurent resende Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:41 pm

    cheers:Dsee this link i have take in racedepartment http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/threads/assetto-corsa-latest-news-discussion.44395/page-96 and download http://kunos.convergenze.it/setup_actp.exe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!suprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:43 pm

    Assetto Corsa Technical Preview is out!!!


    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Lotus_elise_small1
    Simon Bevcic-batina
    Simon Bevcic-batina

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Simon Bevcic-batina Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:45 pm

    logitech profiler setup? G25
    overall 101
    spring 0
    damper 0
    enable --yes
    centering 0
    whell 900°
    alow game-- yes
    (graziano diceva che.........................) new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 659651
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:02 pm

    from AC Forum:

    FANATEC Clubsport Wheel BMW Rim (tested on rev.B CSW base)
    (tested and suggested by Luca Sodano)

    In Fanatec Panel
    Wheel angle : of course 900
    Dampening strenght: 0

    In AC -> Controls -> Advanced
    Force Feedback Gain: 85% - 90%

    On the BMW rim
    SEN: off
    FF: 100
    SHO: 100 (if you want to use the vibration inside the rim)
    ABS: off
    LIN: off
    DEA: off
    DRI: 001
    For: 120 (play with this value according to your tastes and feeling)
    Spr: 0
    Dpr: 20 (try 30 too)

    Q: Why do you use DRI setting?
    A: DRIFT parameter isn't a "magical" setting that makes you faster. Default settings (with Fanatec drivers 144 and firmware 037) in Assetto Corsa simply make too much dampening, causing a sort of "delay" in oversteer/understeer corrections while driving. It's like you feel them a bit late. With DRI to 001, the wheel dampening is heavily reduced and it becomes more "direct". That's why we suggest the settings above. You will feel every little front tyres movement, every little slide, the grip limit, without make the wheel too lighter and unrealistic (remember the Elise SC, even is lightweight car, hasn't steering assistance). If you still feel the wheel too light around the center, try to raise the Dpr value on the rim.

    LOGITECH G25/G27
    (tested and suggested by Aristotelis Vasilakos)

    In Logitech Panel
    Overal effects strength: 100%
    Spring effects strength: 100%
    Damper effects Strength: 100%
    Centering: 0%
    Degrees: 900
    Allow game to adjust settings CHECKED

    In AC -> Controls -> Advanced
    Force Feedback Gain: 80% - 85%

    Q: Why spring and damper to 100%?
    A: Assetto Corsa will take care of everything, don't worry. Only be sure to check "Allow game to adjust settings".
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:27 pm

    Assetto Corsa Technology Preview:
    You can download it also from the RSR mirror
    Attilio Barba
    Attilio Barba

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Attilio Barba Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:53 pm

    bounce drive new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 67322
    Antonio Lallo

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Antonio Lallo Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:57 pm

    Grazie Andrea, senza il mirror l'avrei provata domani: il sito ufficiale è andato! tongue Vado a new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 659651 stasera le impressioni!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:07 pm

    G, celebrating the release Razz

    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Mark Schilling Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:19 pm

    It really doesn't like AA & Motion blur being used together. Framerate drops.

    No motion blur with 8xMSAA + 6xFXAA with everything else on max @ 1920x1080 = avg 75fps

    Even just add a bit of motion blur and it drops below 20fps.

    Haven't got the wheel plugged in yet, just launched it to see performance.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by laurent resende Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:22 pm

    same for me Mark , 75/80 fps
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Mark Schilling Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:29 pm

    laurent resende wrote:same for me Mark , 75/80 fps

    Does it drop down very low when you enable "motion blur"?
    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Maarten Steverink Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:45 pm

    Best thing i've driven in simracing since GPL Very Happy I love it so far. Even with my low spec pc, its averaging 50 fps as well.
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by laurent resende Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:52 pm

    motion blur disabled 95 fps
    Luca Orsetti
    Luca Orsetti

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Luca Orsetti Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:03 pm

    I had hoped to enjoy a bit this TP, but my computer will not let me ... I can get 40/45 fps, but with all graphics to low and resolution to 1280x720 (with Full HD monitor). I have a video quality so poor that distinguish the curves only a few meters before... Sad

    Even with the FFB there's something weird, and here I can not explain why. I have a G27 that all curves vibrates in a strange way and oppose much resistance in countersteering... It 's the same for you? When I tried the 500 ss at the Motorshow di Bologna the ffb was not so... Neutral

    Also, where is 6th gear???
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Mark Schilling Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:07 pm

    laurent resende wrote:motion blur disabled 95 fps

    Are you still getting 75fps then with motion blur enabled? As soon as I enable motion blur along with Antialiasing it hits frame rate badly. What graphics card do you have?

    Without AA it doesn't look so nice but full AA with no motion blur looks good.
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Mark Schilling Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:09 pm

    Luca Orsetti wrote:I had hoped to enjoy a bit this TP, but my computer will not let me ... I can get 40/45 fps, but with all graphics to low and resolution to 1280x720 (with Full HD monitor). I have a video quality so poor that distinguish the curves only a few meters before... Sad

    Even with the FFB there's something weird, and here I can not explain why. I have a G27 that all curves vibrates in a strange way and oppose much resistance in countersteering... It 's the same for you? When I tried the 500 ss at the Motorshow di Bologna the ffb was not so... Neutral

    Also, where is 6th gear???

    Try turning off motion blur. It hurts fps badly.

    Maybe the game is optimized for belt driven wheels, like rFactor 2 is. Maybe the G27 can not handle the forces correctly without some sort of filtering?
    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Maarten Steverink Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:10 pm

    I have a 7 year old G25, and it feels great with AC Very Happy
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by laurent resende Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:15 pm

    Mark Schilling wrote:
    laurent resende wrote:motion blur disabled 95 fps

    Are you still getting 75fps then with motion blur enabled? As soon as I enable motion blur along with Antialiasing it hits frame rate badly. What graphics card do you have?

    Without AA it doesn't look so nice but full AA with no motion blur looks good.

    I have one 570 GTX, on my other hard disk (I have 2 to licenses netKar) I acquire weaker FPS legerement 70 / 75fps, I have 2 install on my PC with, one with Hdisk in Sata 2 (3gb / s and other one in Sata 3 has 6 gb / s, it explains etre had difference
    Luca Orsetti
    Luca Orsetti

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Luca Orsetti Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:18 pm

    Mark Schilling wrote:
    Luca Orsetti wrote:I had hoped to enjoy a bit this TP, but my computer will not let me ... I can get 40/45 fps, but with all graphics to low and resolution to 1280x720 (with Full HD monitor). I have a video quality so poor that distinguish the curves only a few meters before... Sad

    Even with the FFB there's something weird, and here I can not explain why. I have a G27 that all curves vibrates in a strange way and oppose much resistance in countersteering... It 's the same for you? When I tried the 500 ss at the Motorshow di Bologna the ffb was not so... Neutral

    Also, where is 6th gear???

    Try turning off motion blur. It hurts fps badly.

    Maybe the game is optimized for belt driven wheels, like rFactor 2 is. Maybe the G27 can not handle the forces correctly without some sort of filtering?

    Is already off and all in general is set to the min. possible. Is time to change my GT220 Rolling Eyes
    laurent resende
    laurent resende

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by laurent resende Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:20 pm

    AC is really fantastic!!!! perso has part, as underlines it MARTEEN GPL and NetKar, I have ever seen nothing from similar!!!!!! really has the measure of ntre wait!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic!!! everything is there!!!!
    for the evenement I ordered a pack ice Thrustmaster T500 rs with the Steering wheel F1 Ferrari!!!! lol
    Luca Orsetti
    Luca Orsetti

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Luca Orsetti Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:24 pm

    Maarten Steverink wrote:I have a 7 year old G25, and it feels great with AC Very Happy

    Yes, everyone says that it feels great... I do not know what can be...
    René Lorig

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by René Lorig Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:32 pm

    Hey guys, I also had the chance to try out the TP some days earlier and made a small review.
    I think I have covered almost every aspect of the game, so there's plenty of footage to see, even when you don't understand what I'm saying, as I'm speaking German. Smile
    Enjoy and feel free to share it, too! You can try and enable the subtitles, they are a bit silly sometimes but they also work well at some other points.

    Last edited by René Lorig on Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Mark Schilling Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:43 pm

    laurent resende wrote:I have one 570 GTX, on my other hard disk (I have 2 to licenses netKar) I acquire weaker FPS legerement 70 / 75fps, I have 2 install on my PC with, one with Hdisk in Sata 2 (3gb / s and other one in Sata 3 has 6 gb / s, it explains etre had difference

    I wouldn't imagine that hard drives would make any difference on fps. sata 3gb is fast enough for any game really.

    Are your game settings on maximum quality(everything on full)?
    Mark Schilling
    Mark Schilling

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

    Post by Mark Schilling Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:49 pm

    Luca Orsetti wrote:Is time to change my GT220 Rolling Eyes

    I'd say so Smile That card is 4 years old and wasn't a gaming card even when it was new, so not surprising you are getting poor performance.

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    new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa - Page 17 Empty Re: new PC title in development at Kunos Simulazioni: Assetto Corsa

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