Radiator Springs Racing

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Roberto Postinghel
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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:19 pm

    Entry list updated
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by davide zardin Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:25 pm

    andrea mi sono tolto dall'evento perchè non posso correre stasera
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:27 pm

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:05 pm

    here is the link to download the track
    or the direct one
    Jorge Alves
    Jorge Alves

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Jorge Alves Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:13 pm

    Really annoying!

    The server B could only take 6-7 drivers ... when more people connect the others auto-disconnected ... have no idea why but only 6 guys managed to do the races ... i managed to do the last 6 laps in race 1 but then i was disconnected again when race2 starts ... hope things go better on the next one.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:29 pm

    quite all get this ....can be some wrong whit a server B....
    may be we can postpone the race of group B , till the first minute of qualy get kick out, and was no possible to reconnect no more then a minute.....
    hope we can race back
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:43 pm

    Group A Replay
    Jorge Alves
    Jorge Alves

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Jorge Alves Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:49 pm

    giancarlo graziano wrote:quite all get this ....can be some wrong whit a server B....
    may be we can postpone the race of group B , till the first minute of qualy get kick out, and was no possible to reconnect no more then a minute.....
    hope we can race back

    Yep ... i also hope we can do the race again ... or at least that someone can find out what the problem was so will not happen again in next race
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:07 am

    Results are up

    I will fix all the unrecognized guys soon.
    M Waechter

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by M Waechter Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:21 am

    As usually for me with a full grid it was a bit more difficult to do the same fast laptimes I could do in practice-sessions, because of the general minor performance-lose of the PC with many cars on track, especially the first lap(s) of Race 2 were so crowded -heavy bulk of cars in front-, that the PC performance went down a little bit, which makes it more difficult or unsave for me to push exactly the same way than with 100% fine performance.
    Race 1 was -except the last lap- driven more conservative by me, in Race 2 I finally tried to push a bit more. After some laps Gek -a few seconds in front of me at that time- lost his car at a fight with M.Gilles and stood on the line (he could not do anything at this short moment, not anyones fault.., just a little race incident between the two cars I guess), to avoid crashing into him I had to heavily steer towards the gras and so my rear immediately slided away, standing reverse on the trackside-gras. I lost several positions because of that unlucky situation, I was close behind M. Gilles at s.th. like pos. 6 or 7 before.. . But beside this the races were fine, had some nice battle with Postinghel at Race 1 for example.

    I see, Andrea has already posted a replay link, I also already set up a relpay-upload directly after the event, so here just is a second one of group A:
    Tomek Kozdron

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Tomek Kozdron Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:22 am

    Q: P5.
    R1: P14. Carefully on T1. Straight, and we were 4wide. I was in the middle, but Bernardo was behind me. I turned slightly to the right and he touched my right rear and spun. Maybe I shouldn't go to the right, but I saw in the rear mirror that he is on the back. There was no room for 4 cars, I think.
    R2: P2. Good start with second place and after T1 I was first. Danilo attacked on T2 but made a mistake and went off into the gravel. When Maarten was on P2, I was 5 second lead, but I made 2 mistakes on T1 and easily overtook me. Grats Maarten, you were to fast for me Razz
    Thanks to all for good racing.

    R1 Accident:
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:00 am

    Jorge Alves wrote:Really annoying!

    The server B could only take 6-7 drivers ... when more people connect the others auto-disconnected ... have no idea why but only 6 guys managed to do the races ... i managed to do the last 6 laps in race 1 but then i was disconnected again when race2 starts ... hope things go better on the next one.

    I'm now checking what happened in group B. I'll let you know our decision as soon as possible.
    Nino Foresta

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Nino Foresta Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:24 am

    chiedo scusa per ieri, ma un improvviso ed inaspettato problema in famiglia mi ha impedito di prendere parte alla corsa.

    Spero di essere presente alla prossima.

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:49 am

    Group B races is not valid. Races will be rescheduled. Please vote your best option. The poll will close tonight, so please be fast.
    Roberto Postinghel
    Roberto Postinghel

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Roberto Postinghel Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:05 pm

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Results are up

    I will fix all the unrecognized guys soon.

    ora sono a posto anche per le gare successive o a ogni gara bisogna fixare?
    lo chiedo perchè se ho qualcosa di sbagliato nel profilo così lo correggo..
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:06 pm

    no d'ora in poi e' tutto corretto e verrai riconosciuto in maniera automatica.
    M Waechter

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by M Waechter Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:28 am

    Now after driving the Gvb, I like / got interested in the vintage cars even more than before, because all of that are 'closed wheels', 'normal' cars, so thus three cars feel a bit similar. Especially the Vintreplica is not very far away from the Gvb, just a bit more silding in slower corners and after also driving the usual Vintage I got a bit addicted to that one either, I liked it more and more with every lap at the process of getting used to it -did not expected that at that car-.
    As being a racecar the Vintreplica could produce similar good races as the Gvb, we should attract more people to drive that car, unfortunately there is a bit less interest for this car(s) (I guess people think "oh well, an old 'boring' car", but that's not true Wink, it delivers a great (oldskool) feeling as well.) I suggest to maybe do some events with the vintreplica as well, in some possilbe future seasons.
    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Maarten Steverink Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:54 am

    Toooootally agree with that! Especially on some vintage tracks Very Happy
    Let's do some races with those cars! Vintage cars are the best Very Happy Let's make the next car a Ford Galaxie and a 1965 911 Very Happy

    M Waechter

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by M Waechter Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:45 am

    I would probably prefer a 911 Porsche with a stronger engine than at the oldest '64er model (130 PS), the '73er RS Carrera (210 PS) for racing events Smile.
    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Maarten Steverink Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:49 am

    Noooo not more power! Less GRIP! :-D
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:46 am

    Group B race has been rescheduled for tomorrow (Sunday). Please check here for more details
    Jorge Alves
    Jorge Alves

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Jorge Alves Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:11 pm

    Bumped in 2 races by the same driver in 1st lap when i was 1st

    In 1st race i just got a damaged suspension ... in 2nd race i was bumbed out of track

    Good luck for all of you but im out of the championship ... cant spend so much time training for this to happen ... too much frustrating
    Fabio Grippa
    Fabio Grippa

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Fabio Grippa Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:17 am

    Guys...I've seen the race point system right now...and this is completely crazy!
    Sorry for being so frank....but there is no championsip in the world having this system...why aren't we using the F1 points distribution system? It doesn't make sense that one people that is in p3 get 42 points, and one that is in p15 take 30...from p3 to p15 a difference of just one point seem to be too little. Moreover it is impossible that a people in B group goes in A because if it is in p1 he get the 30points (the same as the last one in group A)...

    I would prefer a system which help people being costant in the results, but this is just my personal view...

    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by davide zardin Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:25 am


    la mia prima gara con questa vettura....

    le qualifiche sono andate meglio del previsto con il 4° tempo poi in gara 1 dopo aver visto ed evitato un contatto sono rimasto 4° senza poter impensierire i 3 che stavano avanti a me... In gara due partenza da dimenticare sono ultimo, ma alla seconda curva lenta mi trovo davanti un groviglio di vetture che cerco di evitare ma sono colpito anch'io, penso che tutti facciano esc go to box e si riparte da lì..., non so in che posizione mi trovo, ma al tornantino in discesa vengo colpito da vettura che sta rientrando dalla sabbia e sono costretto a rifare esc go to box, mi trovo ultimo e per alcuni errori finisco la mia gara a -3 giri dal leder...

    mi sono divertito molto gara 2 sporcata da alcuni incidenti ed errori.

    invio anche replay gara... lascio a voi ogni commento
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:30 am

    Since we introduced the Live Timing for this championship, and for each race we will have groups based on the prequalifications, we decided to adopt the same scoring system that has been used and tested for years at GPChampionship.

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    12 April 2012: A1-Ring - Page 3 Empty Re: 12 April 2012: A1-Ring

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