Radiator Springs Racing

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33 posters

    Zandvoort WIP

    Andrea Candini
    Andrea Candini

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Candini Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:46 pm

    f.gek wrote:Texture finali di asfalto, cielo, erba, cordoli,
    protezione gomme, bandiere e alla fine arriveranno anche le ombre Laughing

    Mooooolto meglio! Nel video sembrava che i colori fossero un po' smorti, ma forse dipendeva dalla compressione dello stesso. L'unica cosa che ho notato è la texture che collega il bordo dell'asfalto con l'altra striscia di erba: sembra essere a risoluzione molto più bassa di quest'ultima! Impressione mia? Embarassed Mi riferisco allo screen con la griglia di partenza.

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:The reason? simple: each flag is a "living object" at modeling time in 3d. It reacts to wind and gravity forces just like in real life, and are, therefore, all different.

    Just crazy!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:57 pm

    Andrea Candini wrote: L'unica cosa che ho notato è la texture che collega il bordo dell'asfalto con l'altra striscia di erba: sembra essere a risoluzione molto più bassa di quest'ultima! Impressione mia? Embarassed Mi riferisco allo screen con la griglia di partenza.

    stessa domanda l'ho fatta anche io a gek poco prima. la sua risposta:
    devo fare tutte le transizioni da asfalto a erba ,erba sabbia etc. li' mancano ancora.

    For the english speakers, in the 2nd picture the grass isn't final yet. Gek has not worked yet on all transitions grass/sand/tarmac.

    Posts : 873
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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by f.gek Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:22 pm

    confermo che devo ancora finire quelle transizioni tra asfalto-erba-cordoli-sabbia e devo ancora realizzare le relative texture. poi verranno mappate correttamente. siamo al 90 % del lavoro piu o meno,
    Andrea Candini
    Andrea Candini

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Candini Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:08 pm

    Perfetto. Smile
    Mi pareva strano che non fosse stato notato un dettaglio del genere, per quanto piccolo, quando è stato fatto un lavoro maniacale su tutto il resto. Very Happy
    Che dire... "buona continuazione del lavoro"!

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by f.gek Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:36 pm

    Ultimi aggiornamenti prima del rilascio, ancora pochi giorni ed è pronta

    latest updates before release

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    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by davide zardin Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:23 pm

    fantastica gek ottimo lavoro
    Mauro Delegà
    Mauro Delegà

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Mauro Delegà Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:46 pm

    Bravo bravo e ancora bravo
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:03 pm

    Wow wow wow! Shadows on the track finally! Looks great Gek!
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by giancarlo graziano Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:10 am

    nn vedo l ora
    fantastico.....ehehehehe uno dei fantastici4. ::smilep:: ..!!!
    mario gilles
    mario gilles

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by mario gilles Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:24 am

    CHE SPETTACOLO! cheers
    Wally Masterson

    Posts : 47
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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Wally Masterson Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:19 am

    It looks beautiful - can't wait!
    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Marco Calesella Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:46 am

    Quando possiamo cominciare ad allenarci anche noi?????? Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 985276
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:57 am

    Gek is currently refining the track for the first public release.
    We are getting some good feedbacks from two real drivers (Maarten and Rudy) that know the track really well, and Gek is fixing the track accordingly.
    Furthermore we are analyzing closely a comparison video we created to get as close as we can (obviously with the time constraint we have).

    The plan is to release a first version pretty soon, and a new release after few more months, since we recently found one more source that will allow us to check the track with great details.

    We really hope that pretty soon we could release a first package for our users. The official race is in 2 weeks, and we definitely want anyone to be well prepared for the first race in this wonderful track.
    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Marco Calesella Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:16 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:Gek is currently refining the track for the first public release.

    The official race is in 2 weeks, and we definitely want anyone to be well prepared for the first race in this wonderful track.

    Heheheh Andrea, I'm very sloooooow to learn a new track, I need at least 2 weeks.... Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 985276
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:30 am

    with the track in the current state you will not learn too much... but...we are getting there. You know the last days before a release are the most important. Believe me, it's worth waiting!
    Marco Calesella
    Marco Calesella

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Marco Calesella Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:42 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:....Believe me, it's worth waiting!

    I'm sure, just like was for Mugello and will be for Imola!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:57 am

    First release of Zanvoort RSR for the drivers of our All Round Series.

    The plan is to have our first public release of the track after our official race. We will use those days to keep improving the track and to fix bugs that might arise during our tests before the race. There is already a detailed list of mismatch with the real track and we will go through it in the coming days. Further track updates are to follow.

    Thanks to Simon Batina for the video.
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:50 pm

    One more video of the first WIP release. We will publish in the next days one more internal release with some fixes and improvements.

    Thanks to Giancarlo for the video
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:02 pm

    And here it comes Zandvoort RSR. Here is the first public beta or the track (v.0.9.1).

    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Downloadrsrbig

    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Zandvoort1


    Circuit Park Zandvoort
    Burgemeester van Alphenstraat 108
    2041 KP Zandvoort

    Autore: Radiator Springs Racing Team



    Creazione Layout e 3D Object texture:
    Fulvio "Gek" Genova

    Andrea Lojelo

    Aiuti tecnici :
    Giancarlo Graziano : Realizzazione immagini e video comparative con tracciato reale,beta tester
    Andrea Lojelo : Ricerca infomazioni sul tracciato,Consulenza su tecniche di sviluppo, beta tester
    Mario Gilles : Realizzazione grafica della Ui e consulenza sul tracciato

    Release notes:
    Questa e' la prima release pubblica del Circuit Park Zandvoort,sono state applicate diverse tecniche di realizzazione 3D

    creato dal team Radiator Springs Racing.
    Sono previsti in futuro degli aggiornamenti sul tracciato per migliorare alcuni aspetti importanti che ci sono
    stati segnalati, ma che avrebbero rinviato di troppo il rilascio.

    Maggior infomazioni sul tracciato sul nostro sito.

    E' consentito pubblicare screenshot o video.
    Nel caso di video, e' gradito un esplicito riferimento al Radiator Springs Racing Team
    e al nostro sito internet http://www.radiators-champ.com

    Nel caso in cui siano riscontrati bug sul tracciato, si prega di segnalarli
    sul nostro forum. Il vostro aiuto sara' molto apprezzato.

    Marius Carey,Maarten Stenverink,Rudy Van Buren per i test e i consigli sul tracciato
    http://www.circuit-zandvoort.nl per le informazioni sul circuito
    Stefano "Kunos" Casillo per aver creato netKar PRO e per il supporto fornito
    Nicola"Velocipede" Trivilino and Andrea "Uff" Candini per l'attenzione dedicata al nostro progetto su www.drivingItalia.net
    tutti i betatester per il loro prezioso lavoro


    Conversioni o modifiche di questo tracciato per qualsiasi altro simulatore NON sono consentite.
    Tutte le texture create da Fulvio "Gek" Genova non possono essere utilizzate per altri progetti.

    (Copyright textures) by F.GEK - Fulvio "Gek" Genova & Radiator Springs Racing Team
    (Copyright 3D objects) by F.GEK - Fulvio "Gek" Genova & Radiator Springs Racing Team
    Andrea Lojelo - andrea_ita_nl@hotmail.it
    Fulvio "Gek" Genova - fulvio.barbara@alice.it


    Questo tracciato e' stato creato per passione ed ad uso esclusivamente ludico, senza fini di lucro.
    E' vietato l'utilizzo di questo tracciato per per scopi di lucro e affini.


    Circuit Park Zandvoort
    Burgemeester van Alphenstraat 108
    2041 KP Zandvoort

    Autor: Radiator Springs Racing Team



    Layout & 3D Objects:
    Fulvio "Gek" Genova

    Andrea Lojelo
    Textures, technical suggestions, graphical composition of the environment:

    Support :
    Giancarlo Graziano : video comparison between the virtual track and the rea one,beta tester
    Andrea Lojelo : For his help on hunting informations on the track, consulting on track develpment, beta tester
    Mario Gilles : UI development and consulting on the track development

    Release notes:

    More informations on our track on our website

    You're allowed to publish screenshots or videos.
    In case you create some videos, we would appreciate to see credits to the Radiator Springs Racing Team
    and, eventually a reference to our website http://www.radiators-champ.com

    In case of bugs, please document them on our forum. You help will be appreciated.


    Marius Carey,Maarten Stenverink,Rudy Van Buren for their tests and feedback on the track
    http://www.circuit-zandvoort.nl for the informazions on the circuit
    Stefano "Kunos" Casillo for his wonderful sim netKar PRO and for his support
    Nicola"Velocipede" Trivilino and Andrea "Uff" Candini for his support to our project on www.drivingItalia.net
    tutti i betatester per il loro prezioso lavoro



    Conversions or modifications of this track for any other simulator are not allowed.
    Textures, created by Fulvio "Gek" Genova couldn't be used for other projects.

    (Copyright textures) by F.GEK - Fulvio "Gek" Genova & Radiator Springs Racing Team
    (Copyright 3D objects) by F.GEK - Fulvio "Gek" Genova & Radiator Springs Racing Team
    Andrea Lojelo - andrea_ita_nl@hotmail.it
    Fulvio "Gek" Genova - fulvio.barbara@alice.it


    This track has been created just for fun, in our spare time.
    You're not allowed to sell it or to make money out of it in any way.

    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Zandvoort2
    Andrea Candini
    Andrea Candini

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Candini Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:24 am

    I didn't expect to see my name in the credits. Very Happy
    Thank you guys for this track, I hope to try it tomorrow!
    Jamie Shorting

    Posts : 103
    Join date : 2011-09-14

    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Jamie Shorting Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:07 am

    Very nice work guys!! ::hola::
    Jim Michels

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Jim Michels Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:38 pm

    My! Oh My!!!!! I just forced myself off track to come back here and say Thank you!!!
    It is wonderful ...
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:10 am

    netKar PRO Zandvoort RSR (Osella PA-21s) vs Real (BMW E92 M3)

    This video comparison should help us out to improve a bit more on the following releases.

    Robin Jeffery
    Robin Jeffery

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by Robin Jeffery Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:28 am

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful work with us guys. Zandy was one of my favorite tracks in GPL and I think will be the same in nkPro.

    Wonderful job, well done.

    René Lorig

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    Zandvoort WIP - Page 3 Empty Re: Zandvoort WIP

    Post by René Lorig Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:42 pm

    I'm confident this will be fixed soon as this is still a beta, but I just wanted to say that the timing for the short-version doesn't work.

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