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24 posters

    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Antonio Lallo

    Posts : 148
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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Antonio Lallo Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:04 pm

    Yesterday two races good for me, but with not enough points for "fusione digitale"! Razz By the way our thanks to Andrea for the impressive work with the servers, without that our fun wasn't possible! My qualify, as always, wasn't good...you are too fastest for me, but in race i can compete with the aliens and so my fun is better! Smile In this two race fortunatly the only mistakes was mine! See you in Austria boys.

    In italiano
    Bè, le mie sono state due gare senza infamia ne lode, non mi son preparato molto per la gara in verità e ho scoperto di essere un pò scarico di ali, infatti per gara 2 ho aumentato di 1 le ali e andava molto meglio. Comunque, stavolta almeno ho da recriminare solo con me stesso per il risultato sotto le possibilità in gara 2. Sad Ho avuto dei bei duelli in entrambe le gare con Gek e Vanore, due grandi piloti corretti e fortissimi spero di ripeterli nelle restanti gare e magari di non perderli sempre! Razz Il nostro neo team è messo benino in classifica, proveremo a recuperare sul forte team greco in Austria, un grazie a tutti i partecipanti e in particolare ad Andrea per l'immenso lavoro extra che ha dovuto fare per farci correre regolarmente ieri! cheers
    M Waechter

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by M Waechter Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:45 pm

    I agree that overall some bad behaviour is happening. But I found the behaviour not too bad. In my view guys should mainly be just more careful to aviod some unnecessary contacts.
    What should be strictly prohibited is all this cheating, meaning disconecting and rejoining and going out of the pits immediately after a crash and pressing ESC (people who are discarding the 5 laps rule..).

    Also here is another example -edited replay, race1- for dangerous driving, someone with broken car on the track, on the racing line:

    But I don't want to see this guy penalised, if this just was his first fault (he even said "sry" in the chat right afterward this happened).. . He let Clive and Albert pass savely before just my car got in struggle
    with him as he was suddenly on the racing-line again.
    I saw his car 100m before so I could aviod a crash still quite savely if you wanna say so.. by just rolling over the grass without throttle to pass this car.. .

    I also have to agree with Mika Raymond regarding one of his posted replays. In this case Gek had enough room to aviod a crash in turn10, there is plenty of room to the right side..., he just drove with full speed directly into the middle of your rear like if no car had been there.. , despite he saw you quite a while before I guess.

    I don't completely argee with Mika when it is about the start-contact with Gek. This first corner is just very tight, so Gek could not do another thing than that what he does there.. . Ok, you can try to drive very slow through that section to be even more to the inner right side of t1, but when doing this then you are maybe a hindrance for other peolple coming still fast from behind.., so when starting at Spa you have to find 'the golden middle' regarding the entering corner-speed... . So I don't see a quite 'willed bad behaviour' there from Gek.. . But if he blamed you for this contact, then his opinion is not right of course... !

    -There is just no room for almost three !! cars side by side in this corner as it is the case in this replay.. . When starting at Spa all should calm down a bit more, simply to aviod that it is getting too crowded there.

    Last edited by M Waechter on Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:07 pm

    like i said before, im not annoyed about the incident. of course there are contacts at t1. what i am annoyed about is fact he blamed me for something he did wrong. i left plenty of space for him and he made a mistake (which i dont mind). i would simply like him to apologise for blaming it on me, that is all Smile
    M Waechter

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by M Waechter Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:13 pm

    yep, I know Smile . -We don't let and want it to sound it like we're fighting around here again and again on this, just becaue of some few incidents.
    He should maybe apologise to you, and then all is fine again Smile .

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by f.gek Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:37 pm

    the thing that you do not want to understand is that my monitor (probably the lag that afflicts us and that we all hope will be fixed soon) the trajectory of mika was not quite what you see in this video. The location of his car was much more to the right and I had the space to make the correct overtaking on the inside. Then suddenly in front of me are found. This is why I said that was a mistake of driving mika. while the t1 I just made my curve with the problem that the car had an unexpected jolt, but certainly that was my best path to get a proper traction and better acceleration. I believe that in this case all the drivers, faced the first corner in moderation, except for Mika who tried to recover positions immediately. I think Mika A great driver, quite aggressive. I thought that the clarification in chat after the race was enough to make it clear, but apparently I was wrong.
    in all cases even though the incident did not believe that I have faults, they are sorry for. I apologize.

    la cosa che non si vuole capire è che nel mio monitor (probabilmente il lag che ci affligge e che speriamo tutti venga risolto al piu presto) la traiettoria di mika non è stata assolutamente quella che si vede in questo video. La posizione della sua macchina era molto piu a destra e io avevo lo spazio corretto per fare il sorpasso all'interno. Poi di colpo me la sono trovata davanti. Questo il motivo per il quale ho detto che era stato un errore di guida di mika. mentre per il t1 io ho solo fatto la mia curva con il problema che la macchina ha avuto un sobbalzo inaspettato , ma certo quella era la mia migliore traiettoria per avere una trazione corretta e la migliore accelerazione. credo che in questo caso tutti i piloti , hanno affrontato la prima curva con moderazione, a parte mika che ha cercato subito di recuperare posizioni. Ritengo mika Un grande pilota , abbastanza aggressivo. Credevo che il chiarimento in chat dopo la gara fosse sufficiente per avere risolto la cosa, ma evidentemente mi sono sbagliato.
    in tutti i casi anche se non ritengo di avere colpe , sono dispiaciuto dell'accaduto. faccio le mie scuse.

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by MikaRaymond Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:51 pm

    its ok gek, now i understand. you too are a great driver and great guy, just a bit upset that you blamed it on me. please understand thats the reasons why i was upset. we are cool and hopefully we can have some more great races in the future Wink
    M Waechter

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by M Waechter Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:52 pm

    Albert McSaltens wrote:
    ... [link deleted by myself]

    The video shows the opposite you say that you are correct driver? then how can you do whats in the video?risking everyones race.
    -i aggree about the bad words, we shoudnt lost respect, and no one wants you to retire from the championship, but please leant from the rrors and dont do again. let pass the leader pulling yourself into a side before braking in front of him, and then when you crash, oon track if the cars is not drivable press esc and wait 5 laps, or you are gonna cause accidents.

    OMG, I did not know that it was just one car who caused all this accidents.. . That is murderous, it looks more like a plot of those 'happy tree friends' cartoons Shocked , -that was just what came into my mind when watching this replay video-edit.

    Last edited by M Waechter on Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Filippo Chesi Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:16 pm

    I have decided, i retire from your Championship, so you can finally have some really clean races!

    A greeting to the clean persons and honest drivers,
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:09 am

    Filippo, nobody wants you out of the championship. You have done a (big) mistake, and for sure you will be penalized for that.
    Doing something wrong once, doesn't say anything about your driving skills, and your usual way of driving that can be perfectly respectful and clean.
    I personally never had any problem with you, and you are more then welcome to keep having fun with us.
    The decision is up to you. I hope you will think it over and you will continue the championship with all of us.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:24 am

    Filippo hope you don t give up for a discussion or incident...we need to made 1000...I tell you 1000 champ.. you get penalize for a mistake, we try to calm the other drivers like Albert that SCREAAMM!!!!!..ehhehh
    try to don t give up for so little think....mistake is alays arround our cars...

    think one day calm..and come back on race and show you skill....
    Very Happy Very Happy

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by MikaRaymond Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:25 am

    dont quit. everybody makes mistakes but the most important thing is you dont do it again. nobody wants you to quit! Very Happy
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Albert McSaltens Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:34 am

    please chesi stay with us, i neither want you to feel bad and retire, just learn from what you did wrong and then have nice races
    M Waechter

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by M Waechter Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:18 am

    Same to me: I was just a bit surprised as I klicked that replay for the first time.. that someone was driving his broken car backwards, forwards on track over especially such a long time*:
    If somewhere in future some similar damage happens, just press ESC-back to pits if the car is not much steerable anymore, otherwise it gets dangerous for the rest of course.
    *That's simply why I made my comment. -I'm pretty sure you will not do such thing in the future again, because you are certainly not an unsafe driver or anything like that in general.. !
    So if you still have the time and fun to drive, stay with us in this champ. ... !

    Filippo Chesi wrote:
    I have decided, i retire from your Championship, so you can finally have some really clean races!

    A greeting to the clean persons and honest drivers,
    Maarten Steverink
    Maarten Steverink

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Maarten Steverink Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:59 pm

    That does look like one determined drive Chesi Very Happy You did everything to come back to the pits! But at that speed it costs you something like 5 laps anyway, so you can just as easily press escape! Way safer, and easier!

    Anyway, don't leave the championship because of these things, only if you're not having fun!

    And i want to apoligize to everyone who had trouble getting around me when i crashed (in race 1 and 2.........) Very sorry about both my crashes, both caused by brake balance mistakes. Not easy to brake hard with 48% balance at the front. I forgot to set it back to my regular balance, and i was unpleasantly surprised under braking...

    Again, very sorry if i ruined someones race!
    I'll get more practice for the A1 race!

    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:16 pm

    np Maarteen... I see you spin in race 2...no way to don t crash on you....
    Spa ...always a dangerous place..eheheh
    ..remember this!?!..... .....
    see you on A1Ring ::rischio::
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by M Carey Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:23 pm

    That'll be us when the rain comes, particularly if the collisions aren't fixed Razz
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:43 pm

    ...I m waiting for Lorraine....is Long time now..I Have ever see.... Rolling Eyes
    ...than....we replay ...Spa1998
    Roberto Zanerini

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Roberto Zanerini Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:43 pm

    Filippo non mollare, hai fatto un grave errore ma sarà di insegnamento a tanti altri piloti.
    Tutti quanti dobbiamo cercare più attenzione anche nelle risposte del dopo gara.
    Anche io ho dovuto premere esc in gara 1 perchè mi hanno tamponato da dietro (Hussey) ma capisco anche che la KS2
    è una macchina molto difficile da gestire, al minimo contatto va in crash.
    P.s. Hussey civilmente si è scusato ed ho gradito molto.

    Filippo did not give up, you made a serious error but will be teachiing so many other riders. Everyone must seek more attention in the responses after the race. Even I had to press esc in the race because I was hit by a back (Hussey), but I also understand that the KS2 machine is very difficult to manage, the slightest contact crashes. Ps Hussey civil apologized and I liked a lot.
    Vincenzo Vanore
    Vincenzo Vanore

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Vincenzo Vanore Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:51 pm

    Ciao ragazzi, dire che meglio di così per me non poteva andare.
    Nella qualifica ho centrato il mio PB e sono riuscito ad ottenete il 2°posto
    Gara 1 parto bene e riesco a passare in testa, ho cercato di mantenere un ritmo costante, così da poter vincere, e tutto è andato alla perfezione.
    Gara 2 parto 6°nei primi giri, vedendo l'uscita di Raymond, mio diretto avversario, ho cercato di amministrare e non commettere errori, bel duello con Lallo, anche lui con un buon passo gara. I primi 3 avevano strateggia diversa, rispetto alla mia, alla loro sosta ai Box sono balzato in testa.
    Contentissimo di aver vinto a Spa, una delle mie piste preferite, ma non nascondo di aver avuto molta fortuna.
    Ciao alla prossima Very Happy
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Filippo Chesi Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:40 pm

    Please, see the comment to Albert's video on youtube. Sorry but I can't accept such form of defamation.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:14 pm

    ops I was not see this...very baad....but is a comment of peter ..german guy ..I don t know im...enywere before tomorrow this video get censored..let me found Albert.. and I can delete...the offence..
    I apologize for the stupidity of this guy...sorry soorryyy...
    I send quick a pm to albert....sorry for that..
    now I know why you reaction in the post before...
    sorry for that.
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by giancarlo graziano Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:23 pm

    is not an excuse...but
    .. the commentator...peter, is a man that don t play nkp..
    ..play rfactor....you know this game?? is a portal of insulting and bad beavouir..
    may be you can hunderstand better.. in rf this tipe of lenguege is a normal think.......

    don t need to think on im......rfactor player...normal

    see you @ A!Ring.
    ps the video get kill enywere..ready I send a pm to albert...
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Filippo Chesi Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:12 pm

    I asked YouTube to remove Albert's video "crazy.mp4" for privacy violation. They tell me first to request it to Albert. I made the request. So I'm waiting he removes this video, before proceeding with the YouTube procedure for violation of privacy (there is my real name and surname).
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Albert McSaltens Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:24 pm

    come on chesi, i dont know you but this is just a computer game.

    and i tell you that i believe in free speach and freedom, despite that this dosent exitst much in society, but im believe if can exist if people make it happen, im not gonna delete any video or comment cause then its not free speach.

    and secondly i dont think this video is privacy violation. if you participate in a championship with other people then i have the right to post any video im involved in. im sorry.

    you guys gotta realize. if we want freedom and free speach, we must act accordintly.

    i dont think this video is a privacy violation. and i think censoring it its not right
    Filippo Chesi
    Filippo Chesi

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

    Post by Filippo Chesi Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:44 pm

    Ok. This video contain my real name and surname. This video make me appears like a "motherf..er to ban" just like it say your commentator on youtube. This video shows me separated from the whole contest while i'm commiting an embarrassing error. In this video, my person is called crazy. For me it's privacy violation, and if it'was't also it generate in me a real discomfort. You are free to keep your video but I'll signal it to YouTube, and still I'll never play to this game with you.

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    13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps - Page 3 Empty Re: 13 Jan 2011: Spa Francorchamps

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