Radiator Springs Racing

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    Monza RSR

    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:02 pm

    please let us know if this fix the problem
    M Waechter

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by M Waechter Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:14 pm

    As some of you might remember I talked about relatively low FPS at Mugello, but I have no probs at Monza.., the FPS are nearly the double amount than in Mugello for me (140-180 FPS), so
    no problem for me there. -But I notice as well a bit that performance (but not the FPS so much) goes down while passing the second chicane, but this is nothing serious: I guess this is just because of the huge amount of pixles or s.th. -all the trees- visible at this moment in the chicane.. Smile .

    edit: I wrote 'first chicane' at first.., but I meant the second chicane..., corrected it now above.
    Tomas Vasquez

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Tomas Vasquez Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:50 pm

    The next race of the KS2 championship is monza right? Is this one the Monza track used for the championship¿
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by giancarlo graziano Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:19 am

    yes the 06 01 11 is monza rsr Champraces.. 21>00 on chat
    Tomas Vasquez

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Tomas Vasquez Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:38 am

    but I get the message of the GTR2 disc, and i dont have it! That means I'll be missing this race???

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Marco Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:06 am

    F. Gek mi ha detto in chat della possibilità di rilasciare una texture low quality (più leggera, con meno dettagli grafici, ma senza toccare il tracciato vero e proprio...!!!). Secondo me sarebbe l'ideale....permetterebbe a tutti di poter gareggiare giovedì senza essere un intralcio per chi non ha problemi di grafica!
    Io ho dei problemi solo alla Roggia soprattutto quando ho avversari vicino a me........immaginate cosa mi devo inventare nei primi giri......!!!!!
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:08 am

    new texture package low resolution.
    Create a backup of your HD package.

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Marco Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:18 am

    Andrea Lojelo wrote:new texture package low resolution.
    Create a backup of your HD package.

    Scarico e provo....!!!!
    davide zardin
    davide zardin

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by davide zardin Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:54 pm

    scaricato pacchetto per me la gara sarà difficile perchè la mia scheda video che mi hatagkiato fuori sia a barcellona che al mugello anche qui da problemi. un pò si sono risolti con il pacchetto a bassa risoluzione. devo vedere come si comporta con il server e con altri piloti in pista. spero di essere dei vostri questa volta.
    per spa comunque dovrei esserci con il pc nuovo e con una scheda che non mi dia problemi ( avete qualche consiglio a tal proposito?).
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by giancarlo graziano Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:57 pm

    io ho appena istallato questa..
    Monza RSR - Page 4 Asus_ENGTX460_TOP_550
    per 140euri ...in germania ma penso sia lo stesso in ita....
    e una bomba....
    le mie specifiche..
    window xp asus motherboard
    intel dualcore e8300@ 2.83ghz..3 gb ram ddr2 un gran bell alimentatore.. ventole da pertutto ne nuovo case....

    stefano schivari

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by stefano schivari Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:05 pm

    giancarlo graziano wrote:io ho appena istallato questa..
    Monza RSR - Page 4 Asus_ENGTX460_TOP_550
    per 140euri ...in germania ma penso sia lo stesso in ita....
    e una bomba....
    le mie specifiche..
    window xp asus motherboard
    intel dualcore e8300@ 2.83ghz..3 gb ram ddr2 un gran bell alimentatore.. ventole da pertutto ne nuovo case....

    ottima scelta....io ho preso la ati 6850 ma me ne sono pentito...non mi funziona più linux al quale ero molto affezionato Sad
    Fernando Zart
    Fernando Zart

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Fernando Zart Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:19 pm

    With the original textures I have like 10~15 FPS less than with the low textures in some places of the track. Otherwise it's the same performance.
    With low textures, FPS are varying from 90 to 130, with no noticeable lag or stuttering.
    HD textures goes from 88 to 120 FPS, also without lag or stuttering. Using an HD5850 driver 10.12, 4xAA, supersampling, everything else on max.
    All tests done offline. I'll keep the "low" version, because I didn't see perceptible visual changes and the performance is somewhat better.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by M Carey Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:44 pm

    Fernando Zart wrote:With the original textures I have like 10~15 FPS less than with the low textures in some places of the track. Otherwise it's the same performance.
    Same here, but still in traffic during a race, at turn 2 it's almost undrivable.
    Jens Löchel

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Jens Löchel Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:24 pm

    Have you tried to turn off VSync?
    This save a lot of fps.
    M Carey
    M Carey

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by M Carey Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:27 pm

    Already off, along with AA.
    Fernando Zart
    Fernando Zart

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Fernando Zart Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:08 pm

    Last Saturday I've tried to join the radiator's server and race at Monza. There were some 5 or 6 pilots.
    I live in Brazil and even having a 10Mb connection, my ping was high (250+) - that was expected, because latency is much more a matter of distance, not really bandwidth. So, for two times I was able to start the race, but soon enough I was hearing someone coming by (loud motor sound but nothing in mirrors or in front), and suddenly I was flying upside down and then parked at the box. Smile

    Of course that this could be me ramming someone in front of me (not rendered due to high latency), or someone ramming me for the same reason. I decided not to race at radiator's server to avoid ruining other's racing again (ok guys, sorry for my attempt).

    I read somewhere else (don't remember where) that when there is high latency, netkar would try to "guess" and update only the positions for the nearest cars on track. I was able to confirm this looking at a replay of a local race. The farthest cars weren't being updated on track as smoothly as the ones near me, I could notice some warping on them (meaning that the game engine was dedicating more effort and "processing more packets" only for the ones near me).

    Bottom line: I haven't noticed problems with the track at all, so I guess the main problem is really the lag (high ping) and the game engine trying to figure out where the competitors really are on the track in crowded sections.

    It's worth noting that when I was doing laps on the server (restarting from the box after the crash), everything was smooth like offline races (there were no other cars near by).

    EDIT: Of course, I was using the HD textures, then.
    Albert McSaltens
    Albert McSaltens

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Albert McSaltens Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:11 pm

    good analisys
    Andrea Lojelo
    Andrea Lojelo

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Andrea Lojelo Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:13 pm

    As I wrote here we are facing some problems with our server lately (very high ping).

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Marco Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:54 pm

    Sicuramente con la nuova texture low quality la situazione è parecchio migliorata........(non è ancora al 100% ma nn si può avere tutto dalla vita...!!!)
    Da quello ch ho sentito i problemucci ci sono stato o ci sono ancora soprattutto alla Roggia quando si è vicini a altri avversari (io ho sempre avuto solo questo problema....con la nuova texture un filo meglio). Non è che forse è solo lì che bisogna alleggerire ulteriormenre la texture???
    La pista per il resto è stupenda..........complimentoni!!!
    Roberto Zanerini

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Roberto Zanerini Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:20 pm

    Help dove devo installare il file Monzarsr.exe, ho provato nella cartella tracks (oops) ma non lo installa, dove sbaglio?
    giancarlo graziano
    giancarlo graziano

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by giancarlo graziano Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:27 pm

    nella cartella nkpro12
    Roberto Zanerini

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Roberto Zanerini Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:31 pm

    Mi chiede il disco gtr2 che non ho! Ho forse sbagliato download?
    Andrea Candini
    Andrea Candini

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Andrea Candini Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:26 am

    Hi guys, tonight I was online with you and I had frame rate issues too when a big crash happened and there was a lot of smoke. In the second race everything went fine, instead.
    I also noticed a ton of flickering textures and I think they're quite disturbing. Probably you already know about this, but I put online a package with some screens of (almost) all of them: you can find it here.
    There are some parts od the track with white areas, just like if there was a sort of light on them. I'm running with a nVidia GTX 285, 260.99 drivers.

    Roberto Zanerini wrote:Mi chiede il disco gtr2 che non ho! Ho forse sbagliato download?
    No, hai fatto tutto bene: questa pista (come altre) è usabile soltanto se si è in possesso del titolo da cui è stata convertita. Senza il cd-check non ci sarebbe stato nemmeno il rilascio, in quanto va contro le regole ormai accettate nelle maggiori comunità di sim-racing.

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by MikaRaymond Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:31 am

    Andrea Candini wrote:Hi guys, tonight I was online with you and I had frame rate issues too when a big crash happened and there was a lot of smoke. In the second race everything went fine, instead.
    I also noticed a ton of flickering textures and I think they're quite disturbing. Probably you already know about this, but I put online a package with some screens of (almost) all of them: you can find it here.
    There are some parts od the track with white areas, just like if there was a sort of light on them. I'm running with a nVidia GTX 285, 260.99 drivers.

    hi there

    i believe the track isnt quite finished due to them running out of time for the event. from what i know, they still need to finish a few things off. i have the same GPU as you and although im having no FPS issues, im still seeing the same things as you. its nothing to worry about - thats the track Smile
    Andrea Candini
    Andrea Candini

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    Monza RSR - Page 4 Empty Re: Monza RSR

    Post by Andrea Candini Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:36 am

    MikaRaymond wrote:
    hi there
    i believe the track isnt quite finished due to them running out of time for the event. from what i know, they still need to finish a few things off. i have the same GPU as you and although im having no FPS issues, im still seeing the same things as you. its nothing to worry about - thats the track Smile
    It's good to know it. Smile Let's wait for un update then: the track is indeed a pleasure with KS2 (except for when you finish fuel at Parabolica on the last lap lol).

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